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“你的EQ在那里?这样容易给人家 ‘渣’到?” 一面说还一面笑。
“ok ok。。。下次如果有人问你,你说‘我的title很大,不是每个人都可以做的,说出来怕吓到你。Child Development Advisor! 很专的一门行业,是专家。劲不劲?。。。你要名片是吗?我明天叫Miss Wong (他公司的行政人员)print一盒给你。你是公司的董事。要不要?”


11 条评论:

YouWe紫外線 说...

“你的EQ在那里?这样容易给人家 ‘渣’到?”

hahaha 要不要我幫妳設計名片?

Unknown 说...

Hey my friend, you're the best and your job being mother and house wife are the most challenging job in the world!

Pls don't give a damn what other say..

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

@bro~轮到你“渣”我是吗? :P 又一次见识令姐夫的“利害” :P 谢谢啦!我知道你会 FOC design给我啦。。。暂时还不需要。嘻嘻!

@Yeoh ~ are you PS? I am guessing only. Thanks for your compliments :)I understand what you meant. TQ!

Unknown 说...

yes, i'm PS, your old friend. don't stay so late...

麗館主 说...

{Child Development Advisor}what a good title ..hahahaha...以后那些师奶就有title了。。。

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

@PS~Ya, it's you. I know I am not supposed to stay late, but I only can be free when it's late...hehe :)

@ 丽之馆 ~BIG + GRAND title :P 你也是吗?

jo 说...

Hahaha..... great minds think alike! When you said you had no name cards to distribute, i was saying "Aiyoh! Can print them ma..."; then CW sounded it out already, haha! :-)
Ya lar, why bother with what others said? You have better IQ & EQ than them lar. I know (CW knows,sailoh knows, pama know) how tough the job is, so please be proud of what you have done.
Err.... come to think of it, you could really consider to print the "Child Development Advisor" cards leh, ask sailoh to design for you. Hahaha! :-D

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...poor me, continuously being 'cha' by fatty + bro + you....sob-sob :P....yala, i know what i have been doing, i am glad + i have no regret. just that sometime, under some circumstances i feel a little bit "in-balance"....no worry. I know i am blessed to be a home-maker. oops, sorry, should be CHILD DEVELOPMENT ADVISOR....ahem :P

羡慕的 说...

May be this lady just couldn't believe someone can't be so lucky to be full time CDA. Also may be cross her mind tht how she wish she can do so.. Btw, this will be exactly in my mind if someone tell me tht.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

羡慕的。。。thanks for visiting my blog. haha! thanks for supporting my view also :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

To Ang 又来?!我在赶读之前漏掉的!
Monday at 22:45

Aw Sin Lay : a lot of us experienced the same feeling before, and deep down inside, we know we made the right decision. i told myself that my kids are happy here not only because there are no homework here, but the main reason is that the mum is always there with them :)
Monday at 22:59

Sabrina Woong CW ‎@DW~ 哈哈哈!“又来?!”我喜欢这句。谢谢你的捧场。不用赶读啦!《莎莎妈咪》的博客还在那边嘛。。。。你的报告赶完了没?赚钱的。加油!

@先丽~只是一时‘看不开’的小小牢骚。我明白。有得必有失,我们的“得”肯定比“失”多 :)一起加油!
Monday at 23:12 ·

To Ang 写完啦才赶过来捧场的!你还真介意吓?我都不知觉得几伟大!每一次接受我访问的人自我介绍时,家庭主妇听到别人介绍自己的工作后都会很谦虚、声调低一级地说她是家庭主妇!我听了都会抬出一顶高帽给她们戴,说那才是全世界最辛苦的工作!那确实是!
Monday at 23:28 ·

Sabrina Woong CW 哎哟!你的效率有够快的了~写报告+赶读博客+回复面子书。呵呵!。。。知道啦!明白啦!也谢谢你!煮妇有时在特定的情况下会有那么一点点‘看不开’咯,但大多时候是很看得开很OK的。嘻嘻!
Monday at 23:35

Lee Wai Wan Sin Lay, you and me all used to be very successful career woman, but now we all have no regrets in becoming housewife. Its been 8 years, I left my work.
The duration for a child with parents is very very short, the most 17 years, we should s...pend more time with them.
Dont mention mother, even my husband had opted retirement 2 years ago to spend time with kids, so no regret yah!See more
Yesterday at 07:08

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