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上周四带承懿去见牙医,美丽的蔡医生说这小子下面中间算起 左边的第四只牙齿开始有一点点松,假以时日就会掉了。哎 哟!不得了!不知道还好,一知道承懿就很注意这颗牙齿了。 皆因他上一次掉牙是差不多两年前的事,这孩子应该太想 念会将两个五十仙硬币放在他枕头下的tooth fairy ,所以这几天“丧心病狂”的有事没事都会用手指去推一推、摸一摸那颗牙,深怕它不掉。还不下十次问我 :“mommy, how many percent now? ”意即牙齿松了多少巴仙?松到100%就会掉了。。。

今天早上刷完牙他就问我 “mommy, how many percent now? ”
刚才换了校服又问我 :“mommy, how many percent now? ”

我已经好言劝他不要一直去“动”那颗牙,可惜忠言逆耳啊! 果然“不听妈咪言,吃亏在眼前”。上学途中在车上,他忽 然将沾有血丝的左手食指伸到我眼前,惊呼 : “mom, I think there is blood.” 那颗牙给他弄到出血了,一点点。我在驾车,不能做什么。终 于到了学校,他那颗牙下面的牙肉真的在流血,不是很多, 但一丝丝的血不断地参出来。他当然害怕,脸色也变了,就 差没吓得哭出来而已。我叫他待在车上等我,自己就到小贩 中心买了一包冰回来。叫他将一小块冰含在嘴里的左边(靠 近那颗牙),约30秒后吐出来。Ok,检查一下,没有血丝 了。GOOD! 再用冰水漱口几下。 PERFECT! 准备下车上学。

“Mommy, why are you so clever? You saved my life!” (这孩子很怕失血过多而身亡,哈哈!)

“Sam, mommy is not clever. Just that mommy stay calm and think, use the brain to think. When there is a problem, like your tooth was bleeding just now, we have to think of a way to stop the bleeding. I mean to solve the problem .So, mommy bought the ice cubes, it worked! Right?”
“Ya! The ice water made the bleeding stop. ”
“You please learn this, it’s very important. When you face any problem, don’t be afraid or cry. It will not help you. Stay calm and think – think – think. Solution will ‘pop out’ and your problem will be solved. Use your brain. You have a genius brain Samson, think-think -think and it will help you to solve all your problems.”

心里面觉得自己厉害,有点像“教母”!不是因为帮承懿止血,而是因为我可以 一次又一次的搬出大道理和他“说教”。没办法啊!就地取 材,活生生的例子借用一下咯!妈妈的用心良苦你要明白啊!

哈哈!我那又龟毛又可爱的儿子就带着“我的妈妈真厉害”的感 恩情怀踏进校门了。。。

5 条评论:

Delene Yeoh 说...

Hahaha .... 令我想起龟毛的立轩

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

hahaha....他们俩可以结拜咯 :P

jo 说...

HAHAHA..... i really cant stop laughing when reading your post! Your son ah, sometimes so clever, and yet sometimes so.... err... naive! Hahaha! And he was so dramatic, "You saved my life!", hahaha!
Ya lar, you also very 厲害, never let go of any chance to 說教, hahaha! 佩服, 佩服!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Hahaha...so funny right? Just imagine my expression la when the incident took place. Have to tahan my laughter, susah u know...I cant help it, I mean i have to grab every single chance to 說教...机不可失! I don't know whether he gets it, so i have to continue doing that la....Pity me lah! :P

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


Derek Loo
Tuesday at 21:18

Sabrina Woong CW
‎@卢大导 ~谢谢! 犀利是指急救止血还是说教部分。。。。哈哈哈!
Tuesday at 22:52

Derek Loo
Tuesday at 22:55

Sabrina Woong CW
Tuesday at 23:06 ·

Derek Loo
Tuesday at 23:08

Sabrina Woong CW
失敬失敬 :P。。。咔咔咔!!!
Wednesday at 00:29

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