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Geram 的星期二早上

靓师奶一早就觉得很 geram,因为两件事。。。

胖老爷叫靓师奶去见李老师。因为昨天晚上临睡前,两父子在熄了灯黑漆漆的房间亲密father and son talk时,被宝贝告知他在学校被一位同学作弄,已经两个星期了。那位坐在承懿同一排第一个位置的男同学,每每在承懿从课室前面走回座位时(第四个位置),就拿手指弹打承懿的肚子。一次两次,每天如是,承懿也火了。有时会用手推那位男同学的肩膀,男同学会‘再接再厉’,弹到方休。胖爸爸当然心痛,问儿子为什么没有告诉老师?“Dad, I still can stand it. 我可以忍。”气煞爸爸。刚才吃早餐时,妈咪‘审问’儿子详情,儿子还说他有时会 look for other route to go back to my place. 听得妈咪都觉得可怜啊!当然我也告诉他那样‘逃避’是比较消极的做法,应该 be brave to stand up and tell XXX firmly that “Please don’t do this to me anymore”, 还有要报告老师。同时也提醒他以后发生什么事,即使他可以stand it,也要告诉爸爸妈妈,我们想知道,也一定会帮他。。。不geram吗?每天弹打还算作弄吗,简直是欺负!我今天中午会去见老师“告状”,如果情况没有好转,嘿!我告诉你,我会直接跟那男同学的父母交涉。靓师奶认人的功夫不是盖的,那男同学每天也是由父母亲自接送,我绝对认得。

《星洲》封面。。。马富家公子与1美商花825万令吉开香槟,而且只是一个晚上花的钱。有没有搞错?那二公子还是在老家槟城发迹的刘家后人,有够sia-sui!我不是眼红也不是酸葡萄,你有家底、你有本事赚几千万一个月,是很本事。但是需要这样奢侈这样浪费吗?和别人在巴黎斗开香槟花这些冤枉钱?神经病!不正常!你含着金锁匙出生是你好命,你没有看过人生疾苦。我们的中国同胞,那些乡村务农人家的儿童,一年就只需要区区RM400来继续小学的学业。。。你一个晚上就狂开RM4,000,000 的香槟!真的是够讽刺!!!你不会将这笔钱花得比较有意义吗?不如捐给四川海地青海?这些地方地震后急需大笔重建费用!又或者将几百万捐助给“爱心助学计划”,可以让整万个孩子无忧无虑的上学?再不,拿着这些钱回来马来西亚建筑一间华小,绰绰有余。甚至可以取名“德浩小学”,很肯定没有人会反对。。。。唉!德浩德浩=“浩大的德行”,其实是个好名字又很有意义。但是你一点都没有。我虽然只是一个寂寂无名没钱没权的师奶,我看不起你!!!

11 条评论:

Mimi 说...

哎哟, 原来有这样的不平衡感? 不要太在意啦! 这几天, 谢谢你的帮忙与鼓励~~ 感恩!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

哈哈。咪咪。师奶有时有事没事都会‘不平衡’一下的啦。。。见怪不怪 :P。。。。我们是老朋友了,一起尽在不言中。不用谢 :)take care.

jo 说...

Oh, yes, there are bullies everywhere. One will encounter one at some point, whether it happens in school, at your office, at the society that you join in, even among your own friends!
Lil Sam is not bad, at least he reacted (by pushiing that fellow's shoulder, ha!). And he starts to learn the "survivl skill" already, 我可以忍, from a 9-year old, haha! Sorry, Sab, i know it is not funny. But you see, "tolerance" is naturally born in us.
Yes, one was so "chit thor" (in Cantonese) to spend that much of $$$ in that way!! This spoilt rich fellow had no sense at all!! He may think he was great by being on the first page of every newspaper, but he would be the laughing and hissing stock of many others too!

Wai Wan 说...

I have read about the rich guy article before in Edge Magazine long before he spend money like water. He is a real smart guy, I thanked him for making Malaysia so famous in the stupid americans culture, just like Zang Toi and Jimmy Choo or Michelle Yeoh, haha.

He is very connected with Middle East top heads, that is why he spend money so spendriff, but he is a very very smart guy. I am a very funny person, my ambition is to become a Mafia Head like the one in Mexico, even now, I always admired the Mafia head. Maybe I am worst imbalance then you haha.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...good lesson for Sam, good lesson for mommy too. still dont understand why he had been keeping the incident from me? but i am happy that he told CW abt it, at least 1 of us knew....Dont mention abt the really celaka person, 'mem-per-sia-sui-kan-able"!!! 不配用那个名字!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

WW...ya, newspaper did mention abt his smart-ness! honestly I dont buy it. for me, no matter how smart a person is, if he/she has no 德行, sorry-la!...I am not sure if u aware abt news of a Taiwanese vege seller,  (i copy from internet) 卖菜48年的陈树菊,省吃俭用存钱捐出行善,3月5日先被亚洲《福布斯》杂志选为年度亚太地区杰出善心人士,4月29日再被美国《时代》杂志选为年度全球百大最具影响力人物。by TIMES as 2010年度最具影响力百大人物. She has my salute and respect, not because she is smart nor the amount of $$ donated, because she is a 有心人。

Wai Wan 说...

Yah, I read about the vege seller, respect her. Btw, did you join the World Vision, sponsor any child under the WV, I have a child sponsor staying in Mongolia, she was adopted before Lynn was born, now already 12 years old. She always send photo to us. I really like the WV program, you can check on this. Hoo Bee Lee also sponsor some kids.

Regrd the rich guy, how I wish he can hired a private jet bring Linsy Lohan, Megan Fox(cannot liao, married liao) and Paris Hilton to Penang, staying at Rasa Sayang Hotel, bring them to Pavilion and Star Hill shopping, then can really promote Malaysia. I deeply believe, before the super stars know this Low, the stars have never heard about Malaysia. Proud of him, haha. My husband's idol, beside Edison Chen, wakakak.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

WW...I do not join WV, but I have joined 《星洲》的爱心助学计划 since it was started, 7-8 years ago. cant remember well. Initially we sponsor 1, then to 2, now is 4. Glad to tell you that Samson had use 1/3of his ang-pau $$ this year to sponsor (the not enough, so mommy helped to top-up). 3S family is sponsoring 5 primary students in this programme :)

Wai Wan 说...

Just now asked YC want to buy a private jet like the fatty Low, he said no problem, will go Tesco to buy one. He said, if buy a private jet, he will want to interview the hostess, haha, me will interview Pilot or maybe me will take up pilot lessons, wakaka. Is fun!

YC will be in KL next next week, this week suppose to go but tonight want to watch CSI trilogy, so not going. Next week Friday have dinner and show at E&O, so not going. Maybe subsequent week, so will bring your HRC clothes. Then maybe need your help to go over to the factory at Puchong to get it, is it alright? The factory is near Artwright/Tractor, are you familiar?

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

WW...thanks. YC can contact me when he is in Puchong. my only concern is that too troublesome for him. Or if if you want me to pick them up when i am back in PG during school holiday in Sept, also fine with me. which is more convenient to you, just let me know :) THANKS.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


Aileen Goh 太好了我正为你儿子打抱不平呢!為什麼李老師沒給第四個选择:Sam 笃回他,以其人之道,还其人之身嘛。
28 July 2010

Sabrina Woong CW ”谢谢 Aunty Aileen." that's exactly what Sam said :)
28 July 2010

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