最近的天气非常热,热到要喊救命。昨天中午要送承懿上学,一 进入车子,马上可以感觉里头的惊人热度。
“Aiyo! So HOT!!!” 妈咪说。
“Mom, look. It’s 39*C.” 承懿指着我车里内置的温度计。
“Ya. That’s why so hot.” 妈咪在驾车了。
“Mommy, it’s 39*C. We can actually change the C to F, you know?”
“Ya, I know.” 答得有点敷衍。心里在想你这小子在讲什么啦,又是C又是F。
“We can use the temperature reading in C, multiply 5 then divide by 9…..and add 32, that’s it”
“Huh?” 暗付你是不是乱乱来、胡说八道的?
“Yes! I am serious, mom. I learnt this from the dictionary.”
“Which dictionary?” 应该是信口雌黄,什么字典会有这样的“东东”,科学字典是吗?
“The little Oxford dictionary in my study room. I read it myself. At the very last page.” 这小子又言之凿凿哩,连页数也讲得出来!似乎真的有那么一回事。妈咪开始有点相信了。
“Oh, I see….let me check later to see if you remembered correctly, OK?”…..
回到家了,进书房找那本 Oxford 字典,翻出最后一页。。。哎哟!千真万确。这孩子是真的看过,美中不足的是他将原有的“乘9除5”记倒反了 (他说是乘5除9),后面那个“+32”倒是对的。虽然如 此,妈咪已经觉得震撼了 (impressed)。小小的一个9岁孩子,怎么会去记得这些 formula?神奇!
爸爸说:“啊!这个我读过,但记不起来...是不是乘xx除 xx再加xx?我乱乱猜的。”
承懿很不给脸地哈哈大笑 :“Dad, the answer is take the C multiply 9, divide by 5, plus 32 la. But I also remembered wrongly , I switched the place of 9 and 5 .” 说完自己还傻笑。
爸爸很快地回应“WOW! You are very good already. 来, 给dad sayang 一下。” 然后还顺便教导一下 :”F is not commonly used as C, because C is easier to remember, as water freezes at 0*C and boils at 100*C. Remember this, OK ?”
是的,承懿,已经很好了。爸爸妈咪都觉得很骄傲哦。我们的 孩子翻翻字典查查生字都会有“意外收获”,而且给记住了。难得啊!要继续加油。
(胖老爷过后告诉靓师奶这个方程式好像是Form 4 才学的。哇!承懿很犀利哦!)
**以下抄自 The Little Oxford Dictionary (最后两小段)
To convert Celsius into Fahrenheit : multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32.
To convert Fahrenheit into Celsius : subtract 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9.
“Aiyo! So HOT!!!” 妈咪说。
“Mom, look. It’s 39*C.” 承懿指着我车里内置的温度计。
“Ya. That’s why so hot.” 妈咪在驾车了。
“Mommy, it’s 39*C. We can actually change the C to F, you know?”
“Ya, I know.” 答得有点敷衍。心里在想你这小子在讲什么啦,又是C又是F。
“We can use the temperature reading in C, multiply 5 then divide by 9…..and add 32, that’s it”
“Huh?” 暗付你是不是乱乱来、胡说八道的?
“Yes! I am serious, mom. I learnt this from the dictionary.”
“Which dictionary?” 应该是信口雌黄,什么字典会有这样的“东东”,科学字典
“The little Oxford dictionary in my study room. I read it myself. At the very last page.” 这小子又言之凿凿哩,连页数也讲得出来!似乎真的有那么
“Oh, I see….let me check later to see if you remembered correctly, OK?”…..
回到家了,进书房找那本 Oxford 字典,翻出最后一页。。。哎哟!千真万确。这孩子是真的
承懿很不给脸地哈哈大笑 :“Dad, the answer is take the C multiply 9, divide by 5, plus 32 la. But I also remembered wrongly , I switched the place of 9 and 5 .” 说完自己还傻笑。
爸爸很快地回应“WOW! You are very good already. 来, 给dad sayang 一下。” 然后还顺便教导一下 :”F is not commonly used as C, because C is easier to remember, as water freezes at 0*C and boils at 100*C. Remember this, OK ?”
(胖老爷过后告诉靓师奶这个方程式好像是Form 4 才学的。哇!承懿很犀利哦!)
**以下抄自 The Little Oxford Dictionary (最后两小段)
To convert Celsius into Fahrenheit : multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32.
To convert Fahrenheit into Celsius : subtract 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9.
3 条评论:
Hahaha..... actually hoh, this mommy is lousy lar. Didnt even know the C and F initially. That shows this mommy hardly flip through her dictionaries, hahaha!
bro...我也是这样希望啦,他的记忆力如果可以hold on这样久。。。。:P
jo...honestly, i really have no idea what sam was talking about. I have to admit that i am lousy in science la....paisei :P