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Kopi Luwak

除了每天学校课本的作业,承懿每个星期还会做课外的作业《3M 报》和《知识报》。老师都会在课堂里和同学们讨论答案。

上个星期的某一个晚上,他在书房埋头苦干,妈咪则在客厅上 网兼看电视 (绝对可以一心二用)。忽然,他拿着一份《3M报》出现在 我跟前。我以为他遇到难题不会作答 :“Yes,Sam. How can I help you?”他笑一笑不作声将手中的那份画报递过来。啊哈。。。原来这小子一边做习题一边翻阅这《3M报》,这一期中间那两页讲的就是 Kopi Lawak ~麝香猫咖啡。

“Mommy, you and dad drank this before. This coffee is very famous in Bali. You drank it when we went to Bali last year. I remember. At the restaurant near by the volcano, right? You said this coffee is very expensive.”
“Yes, you are right. Wow! You can remember so well. I am happy.”
“I have good memory, mommy. Dad explained to me about this special coffee. It’s made of poo-poo of the foxes. Hehe...mommy, you like to drink poo-poo coffee. Yucks! You stink,mommy. Hahaha!...”

这小子,没大没小的。OK,今天不和你计较。但是妈咪觉得 有些欣慰,一滴咖啡都不沾的你,竟然可以把俗称“猫屎咖 啡”的 Kopi Luwak记得这么清楚。巴厘岛一游是一年多前的事了,你 到现在还记得,不赖哦!是不是因为那时是胖爸爸耐心给你解释 的原因呢?很可能是吧!

3 条评论:

jo 说...

Dont ever underestimate a child's memory. One would remember well a happy or upset incident. I could still remember which boy gave me the "sticker" in my Standard One. Same thing, you could still remember which teacher beat you for talking during his absence , right? So Sam has our genes lar, hahaha!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

wahaha...self complements pula :P Yes, I still remembered, Cikgu Sateh beat me when i was Std 4.I have to clarify again - I did not talk when he was out .....Errr, i wonder who was the boy gave u sticker? can not be Huang Lu Ming right? hahaha...My memory is good. Well, your nephew's memory is good at all times except when he is learning BM....sigh :(

jo 说...

Hahahha! I was impressed! Huang Lu Ming you pun tahu! Of course not him lar, he was my rival!! :-)
Sorry, i cant reveal the cute Standard One boy, have to protect his identity. Just in case his wife is following your blog, hahaha! ;-p

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