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近日除了南非世杯大力神杯将花落谁家是城中热门话题之外,另一令人津津乐道的莫过于章鱼哥--保罗。 它来自德国奥博豪森水族馆,突然声名大噪是因为自世杯开踢以来,章鱼哥保罗对德国队的全部比赛进行预测,都100%准确。甚至今天凌晨德国西班牙的半决赛一战,章鱼哥保罗在预测中也选择西班牙。一只章鱼真的如此神奇?具有预测的能量?



有个支持德国队的朋友就在面子书上留言 :Announcement to and cautions to all the Octopus in the world, according to the astrology, today will be a bad day to go out, so stay at home for your own good!!!!


2 条评论:

jo 说...

Ya lor, ya lor! I also wonder if this octopus can really predict all the results accurately. But so far, his prediction is 100% woh!! Actually i didnt know about this, until c-heng mentioned it sometime last week. :-p

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo. alamak...how come you are not aware of this :o :P Mr Paul is the most popular creature for FIFA 2010. Lets see his prediction for the winner is correct - he chose Spain. haha :)

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