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TBH含冤而死一周年了, 唉!尸骨葬了开了再葬了,遗腹子生下来了、反贪会的最高负责人 也换了好几个月了,审讯的案子呢?拖拖拉拉的一个报告接着另一个报告泰国法医说来不来又说要来了。叫赵氏一家太沉重。公理呢?公义呢?良心呢?真相呢?是不是以为时间久了,大家就会遗忘呢?我不会。

4 条评论:

jo 说...

Me too, me too! 我也不會!!
I know nowadays one wont be naive to believe in justice anymore. But this time, i do want to see justice!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


Wai Wan 说...

In Malaysia, there is no such thing as Justice, sigh. The Mongolian girl, TBH, The Sound like me and look like me case, Submarine, Aircraft Engine, also no follow up lah.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

WaiWan...dont know what to say, sad lah :( 还是抱一点点希望,虽然希望是有一点渺茫。。。。

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