“Sam, lets ask yourself a few question – did you write down every single book that you have read in your 阅读报告, for the past 3 years? …I don’t think so….If you have done that, I am sure you can easily reach the number.”
“Please understand that this is 阅读报告, not a competition. You read because you enjoy reading. You have fun. You learn something new from the books, maybe some new words, new phrases, new 成语,new knowledge. ”
“Another thing is, do you know what books your friends are reading? How many pages is the book? 40, 50 or 100?”
“You are doing great, boy. 不需要跟别人比,也不用和人家比。因为这个不是比赛。”
“Reading is a life time hobby, Sam. As long as you enjoy reading, you will be intelligent. Knowledgeable! Powerful! Please trust mommy.” (其实妈咪很想告诉承懿“书中自有颜如玉和黄金屋”,恐