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星期日晚上胖老爷打包经济饭回来吃,他老婆那一盒有咖喱鸡腿,还有爱吃的“孟光”炒 (谢谢哦)。嘴里吃得香,心里觉得暖。呵呵!


师 奶结婚南下KL之后,每次回槟城老家,妈妈都会尽量煮师奶爱吃的菜肴,当然少不了“孟光”炒。其实“孟光”炒的用料简单,但准备的功夫就很多了,每样用料 都得切细细丝丝,费时又费力。所以有时候返槟时,当见到桌上有“孟光”炒,姐姐就会“酸”师奶说 :“谢谢你咯。托你的福才有幸吃到“孟光”炒哩!”哈 哈!师奶当然知道她是开玩笑的啦。

话说回来。星期日晚上吃过了“孟光”炒之后,师奶在周一下午逛菜市时,心血来潮,就买了一个沙葛回来。 还是头一遭。师奶要试一试煮“孟光”炒。以下就是师奶的“产品”,哈哈!我只给自己60分。刚刚及格而已啦。切工欠奉、味道麻麻、卖相也不可以,不过有的 是思乡情,还有想念妈妈的情怀。献丑咯!

4 条评论:

jo 说...

Wahahaha..... :D your "bang-kuang char" really 大刀大斧one, so "chor-lor". But overall still looked ok lar, at least look at it one would know it was "bang-kuang char ". :P so how was the taste?
Eh, i could still remember CW also prepard "bang-kuang char" once at 2A, ingat tak?

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo....give face a bit la...1st time cooking BKC leh :P i know my 切功 very 'lau-ia', cant compare with ma's 数十年的功力 :P... CW's punya BKC, not PG style , it's ipoh style... so-so nia la :) hahaha

jo 说...

Hahaha! You huh, heartless one. CW specially cooked that IPH style BKC for us to taste ma, of course it was different from ma's one lar.
Dont give up easily. The more you practice, the better it would be; whether it is 刀功or cooking skill. You dont really need 數十年的功力lar, just about few years lar. :p

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...i am always very heart-less one especially to CW :P not even mgmm, also mgwife. hahaha!....ya i know la, practice makes perfect. but the thing is i dont really enjoy cooking :) very bad mommy + bad wife. but i am always a very honest person :P

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