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上个周四,胖老爷因为工作忙了一整天,没在中午时分到跌打师父那里去复诊。所以要赶在晚上九点之前赶去换药。刚刚考完试 as free as a bird 的承懿,还是有两门功课 (可怜的华小学生)。本来胖老爷是打算自个儿去找铁打师父,不过师奶就叫他先回家,然后我们一块出去。目的是想让38的承懿看看传统铁打的推拿功夫,还有见识一下那种又刺鼻又有酒香又烘得热热的膏药。在病房里面,承懿看着四面墙壁挂着好几张裸男经脉穴道图画,在那边偷笑。然后看到师父帮胖爸爸用药酒推拿,啧啧称奇。嘿嘿!大开眼界咯。

"Sam, do you know why mommy want to bring you along here?"
"Because when you were sick, dad would bring you to see doctor He would always accompany you, right?"
" Ya ya...I know."
"So, now dad's right arm is hurt, it's your turn to accompany him to see doctor."
"Yes, I understand..."

师奶不知道这样做对不对。只是想让宝贝知道爸爸爱他疼他的同时宝贝不可以 take for granted, 也得学习付出。有付出、有回报、双向的互动才会让爱源源不绝地流下去。。。

2 条评论:

jo 说...

Yes,yes, think you did the right thing. Just to let him know that papa who is as strong as Superman (or Mr Fix It like Sam used to say) could use his company too. :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...that's why la...为娘的用心良苦 :)

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