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昨天是星期一,上学途中,靓师奶和宝贝“旧事重提”, 问他在儿童节那一天要为班上的同学带些什么。不过妈咪就先声明,会是买东西,不会煮东西,因为自知厨艺“麻麻”。献丑不如藏拙。呵呵!

"Hmmm...I don't know. Mom, any suggestion?"
“可以买像去年的 Rocky Sticks。”
“But that one is 零食吗?” 看来老师交代了“拒绝”零食。
“这样。。。我们可以买BS的 mini cream puffs....你很喜欢吃的。记得吗?"
"Ya ya"
“妈咪可以买 60个。”
"Any other idea?....I think we can buy water, but the water is too heavy. It's too hard for me to carry 40 packets to climb up the stairs."
"Ya...quite too heavy for you to carry. Never mind, mommy can help. I will carry them up to your class room and leave them at the back. When you go up then you will see them."
"OK....but mom I think I still can carry a bit. Both of us share- share. "
"Haha...OK! When 李老师 discusses this issue in the class, then you know what to do la."
"Yes,mommy. I have 3 suggestions. Any 1 of them will do."

在儿童节拿什么食物饮料到学校和同学们分享的一件小事。妈咪的主动关心,可能宝贝现在还不会领情,但妈咪还是会持之以恒,终有一天会点石成金吧!希望承懿早日“开窍”,会主动关心身边的人,那就谓之very good !

3 条评论:

jo 说...

会的, 会的, Sam is a good kid. I bet my last dollar he will! :p

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...this Ema is really BIG supporter of her nephew :P....eh, u should bet yr last Ringgit lah.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


Elsa Ew 幸福的孩子 .. 因为有个伟大的妈妈 ...
05 October at 10:26

Sabrina Woong CW LW。。。我希望承懿永远都幸福-天下的孩子都幸福 :)
05 October at 20:25

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