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《野外旅行》 + 《红河村》





宝贝没有看乐谱地乱弹 :P

当初让宝贝接触do-re-mi其实是想让他可以通过正统的管道学习音乐、欣赏音乐(不要像爸爸妈咪那样对豆芽符号一窍不通)。2005年承懿参与 “音乐乐园” (Music Garden),那是第一年,妈咪得陪他一块唱唱歌跳跳舞呢!之后的一年是小朋友们自己玩自己唱。再下来宝贝就开始学习键盘咯!两年前搬了家,买了二手钢琴放在书房里,方便他练习。宝贝学习钢琴,勉强来说也有近三年了。不过至今为止,宝贝没有参与任何 grade的 钢琴考试,这包括theory + practical。

让承懿学习音乐陶冶心情是胖老爷靓师奶的最初意愿。妈咪是希望不善言辞的宝贝可以借音乐来抒发一些情怀、减减压。当然如果有朝一日他好像周杰伦王力宏这些音乐才子一样冒出头红到爆炸,妈咪是乐见其成的 (靓师奶在做白日梦啦!)还有弹钢琴是一种讲求手指眼睛脑袋协调的动作,而且需要一定的专注力与持续性,这一些都是宝贝很需要的“运动”。所以妈咪志不在考取钢琴考试的 grade咯!

尽管平日承懿还是疏于练琴 (也是懒于练琴),不过他还是很喜欢音乐的。可以“听” 到他拿着学校的歌簿在弹,新年歌也弹、今年世杯赛的歌曲也一样、甚至连 国歌《Negaraku》也不放过,呵呵!所以考不考钢琴妈咪是更不当一回事了。

7 条评论:

yongyong0102 说...

幹嘛拿周杰伦王力宏來作例子? 用我們喜歡的陳百強不是更好嗎? 嘻嘻!


Kids Dream Work 说...

我让JY上JMC,一样要陪他上课的.他在家也是很少回练习的.但只希望他喜欢音乐 :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

bro。。。呵呵呵!你“热爱” 丹尼仔的程度令你二姐我自叹不如 :P sorry-la, 二姐在写以上文章时没有想太多想得太远,脑海里只是将时下的‘音乐才子’ scan 一下,就下笔了。paisei。不过,还是会比较prefer 王力宏,因为他比较handsome:P

KDW。。。JMC 是YAMAHA的programme,对吗?JY要加油哦!巧手的妈咪也一样!Samson + 师奶在这里同样是 add-oil。

jo 说...

Though we need exams / tests to evaluate what one has learned, just dont let them spoil / kill the fun of learning, ok?
Today i just came to know that a certain charity body would have some evaluation test for those volunteers to qualify as one. Goodness...!!!

Wai Wan 说...

Lynn also not going to music school but she can play the songs either in notes or the 1 2 3 4 (the simple notes). So, I become the teacher who teach her the teory, notes and any songs that she likes.
I was surprise, she can play page by page all the songs taught by choir.
That is what music is not by grades and exams.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...what a joke! volunteers for charity org. need to be qualified...hahaha! 什么心态?这个世界真的是变了样。 唉!

WW ...infact, i jealous loh. because u can play piano together with yr kids :P...u are great! carry on with yr teaching ya :)

Wai Wan 说...

Actually dont like the way teacher teach the kids, all follow the books. I teach her in a different way, for example, start from any note, you can play any songs with it, so she can play the chinese kids song "Ma Ma How" with all the "black keys", is amazing. Last time, we just play scale without knowing why, but now I really understand through teaching her, but as I am always at home, never disciplin myself to teacher her properly, husband said might wasted her talent in music, that is what I concern the most.

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