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托医生朋友的福,老爸在她的穿针引线之下,可以在两天之后去看相关的专科医生。早一天看,可以早一点知道进一步的诊断结果。。。祝愿+祈祷+正面思维+ will power 是我很需要的“东西”。。。刚才载送宝贝上学途中,接到胖老公的电话。他在工地差点摔跤,因借力而引发旧患 ~脱臼了 :( 得力助手正送他到铁打师父那里敷药。唉!要一连去10天呢!之后,我的老爷还是一样返公司办公,你说我该拿这只牛怎么样?

3 条评论:

jo 说...

难为你了.... i mean you worried about everyone lately. First pa, then Sam's exam, and now CW. But hang in there, sis, ok? Meanwhile take good care of yourself too, ok? Try to do some 冥想 with deep breathing, to relax.... love you XXX

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...thanks. actually dont have to worry abt me, I'm OK. dont forget I am yr sister, I have double-O spirit, I used to stay at 2A for almost 30 years, I have yr pama's blood inside my body....and I know that I am yr nephew's mg mom and fatty's pretty + supportive wife. I am OK :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

msgs in FB:

Daphne Tan 愿上天、宇宙成全你!
13 October at 22:58

Sabrina Woong CW Daphne。。。谢谢你 :)
13 October at 23:09

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