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mg 妈咪 & dg爹地


(1) 宝贝上完国际象棋练习班,在车上和我们讲他刚才的棋局与战果。玩了4局,2胜1和1负。他说那个大他两三岁的姐姐很厉害,没几下就逼得他落败。妈咪又老调重弹地说不要紧啦,胜负乃兵家常事啦,你要继续努力啦等等。妈咪这边一讲完,老爷也随后出声了。"Boy, all that is not important. Dad drives all the way from Puchong, wait for you for 2 hours here, because you feel HAPPY. As long as you are happy to play chess. Then it's very good already." 瞧!是不是很“神圣”的爸爸?

(2) 吃完客家擂茶当晚餐,我们在饭馆的隔壁,那间正版翻版光碟都卖的店铺发现了师奶想找很久的卡通《西游记》。是意外之喜。师奶拿着光碟对宝贝扬扬眉。他如获至宝地仔细看了看封面封底的说明与图画后 : "Mommy mommy, can you please buy this for me? ....I am willing to deduct RM3 from my pocket money." 乖乖不得了,师奶“训子有功”, 他竟然自动开口扣除零用钱,mg妈咪正乐得要答应了。在一旁的胖爸爸 :"It's ok, Sam. No need to deduct your pocket money. 《西游记》 is something educational, dad will pay." 看!没有师奶的“魔鬼”那会显现我家老爷的“神圣”?

所以师奶是mg妈咪,胖老爷是dg爹地 (dg = dad is great)咯!

1 条评论:

jo 说...

Hahaha..... yes, yes! I am sure you will go to heaven end of the days. Oh, no, should be hell, hahaha!! :D

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