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七点二十分一家三口起床梳洗准备出门。呵呵。胖老爷今天决定重出江湖拿起他冷藏多年的高尔夫球杆和少爷一起在同一个driving range练球。不是父子俩一左一右并排一块儿练。是儿子跟着教练和小朋友们练。爸爸则躲在远远另一个角落自个儿练习挥杆。靓师奶还是举手举脚赞成。老爷您走了这艰难的第一步希望您可以坚持下去。身体健康最重要。肚腩圆圆没关系。靓师奶还特地准备了两粒爱心水煮鸡蛋给胖老爷当早餐。少爷也有莲蓉面包一粒。拜拜慢慢打待会儿见。靓师奶在车里目送两个心爱的男人下车朝driving range迈进。打开netbook上网浏览《谷歌》《面子书》的同时靓师奶的肚子开始打鼓。忘了给自己准备早餐。不要紧。车里还有少爷吃剩的roti。相识18载后的这一天。啃着面包的靓师奶肚子虽然有点饿。心里却很满足。胖老爷应该不会记得这一个纪念日。靓师奶不会介意。老爷您心里每一天记得有靓师奶和少爷就很足够了。是不是纪念日不是那么重要。这是真心话。

3 条评论:

YouWe紫外線 说...



莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

bro。。。thanks :) 我每一天都在感恩惜福喔:)。。。我当然希望那个胖老爷加油打golf啦, 我自己呢。。。。嘻嘻嘻!加油写博客可能啦,运动就。。。不得而知咯:P

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


Aw Sin Lay CW, i like your blog, it show that u enjoys your life and treasures it, even though it is the small little things (of course i didn't mean this anniversary date is 'small', i mean other stuff :p) Samson is indeed a very lucky child. reading your blog also remind me that i shld hv the same positive attitude like u :)
02 August at 06:48

Sabrina Woong CW Thanks SL. I am really happy to see your comment :) Life of a homemaker is routine, simple yet challenging. We have the heart to feel these daily activities, everyday is a special day, even in a small tiny little way :)
02 August at 09:32

Lee Wai Wan Sin Lay, I am really happy that you always join in with our chit chat, even if we are all far apart, but with FB, is like we are just as together as we were when in P5G. But now we dont discuss about our school, homework, exams in turn are how to handle our kids. Really love you all and remember we are always here no matter where you are.
02 August at 21:40

Sabrina Woong CW ‎@WW~agree with u :)
02 August at 22:46

Aw Sin Lay thks my friends. good that we hv all these technologies, make me feel not so lonely over here...i found that i am logging in to FB more often nowadays - not as often as u gals, but last time i prob. log in every few wks..now is every few days :pl
03 August at 16:02

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