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今天是公众假期。难得老爷不上班。早上承懿去理惠老师那里补课。爸爸妈咪吃拍拖早餐。然后承懿在麦当当的陪伴下和 dgdd + mgmm 北上返怡保一趟看看爷爷嫲嫲。回到山城当然尝尝鸡丝河粉白咖啡冰顺便到泰国庙拜拜四面佛。爸爸妈咪和嫲嫲聊天。爷爷在睡觉。承 懿和 LL+YY 玩模型小兵兵打战游戏。印尼女佣还热心地蒸了金马仑玉蜀黍给我们吃。然后爷爷睡醒了。我们就四个大人三个小瓜挤在7890一辆车里面杀到 T 记饭店。爷爷很 精神自己吃了两碗饭。第二碗饭还是爷爷开口要的呢!胖爸爸很开心。妈咪很不顾仪态地用手将爷爷最爱吃的烧鸭“起骨”一小块肉一小块肉撕下来让爷爷慢慢吃。 晚饭后靓师奶一家三口再次踏上南北大道回家啦。又是累人的一日11小时探亲游。不要紧。值得。胖老爷开心最重要。

4 条评论:

Samantha 说...

wow, lo dau looks great in this photo!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

samantha....yaya, he was ok in the evening. managed to eat by himself. not too slow also....but when we first reached home, he was about to have his afternoon nap. looked so tired + weak, even murmured some words when koko talked to him. Koko was feeling 心痛. i could tell though he did not mention it. Lucky in the evening, when we about to leave, lou-dau woke up and he seemed quite ok. thus we last minute decided to bring him out to makan. driving at night is tough for koko nowadays. but worth it. at least lo-dau and koko enjoyed the meal. do did everyone of use :)

jo 说...

Yah, glad to know that Lai-papa is doing well. :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...ya ya. we were happy that evening :)

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