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昨天晚上宝贝又有一只牙齿掉了。就在不久前掉的那一只再往后挪后一个位置。这次更快,从那一颗牙开始摇到它掉下来,前后不足一个星期。有够快的了。宝贝早上还告诉妈咪那颗牙齿对着舌头的那一边基本上已经有些离开牙床了。妈咪还吩咐他吃东西时要格外留神,尽可能把食物堆在右边咀嚼,免得食物在左边咀嚼时,不小心将饭粒或火龙果的小小种子‘跌进’那个牙洞就糟糕了。如果真的这样,妈妈怕牙床会因此发炎。所以这两三餐宝贝都吃得很小心翼翼,慢上加慢。晚上好不容易做完了学校的功课,吃了火龙果当宵夜,宝贝就上楼刷牙准备睡觉了。妈咪开始帮宝贝铺床,他在冲凉房一边挤牙膏一边还说 “我希望牙齿明天会掉下来,这样 tooth fairy 就会来 visit我了。”然后开始刷牙。先刷右边。刷-刷-刷。再来左边。刷。。。等等。“吐”!牙齿被刷出来了!哈哈!满嘴牙膏泡的宝贝还笑嘻嘻地说 :“ I told you mom, the tooth fairy misses me. She can't wait to see me tonight."....饱死啦你!

4 条评论:

YouWe紫外線 说...

飽死荷蘭豆,餓死鹹魚頭! 哈哈哈哈。。。

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


jo 说...

Hahaha..... this nephew of mine is rather cute and naive sometimes. One would just have to shake his head and smile... :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...ya cant agree with u more la...:P FYI,he lost his tooth again on this monday, 20/9. This time finally he asked me "Mom, was it the tooth fairy left me the coins OR u are the one?"....i just smiled at him :P haha. bad mommy.

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