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己所不欲 勿施于人


话说李老师星期四在考完华文理解试 卷后的三个小时里面已经将40份卷纸批改好了,并且将分数各别告诉了全班同学。全班同学都拿到A (即80分以上),除了CZS。因为粗心大意的CZS"漏做"了7题就交卷,所以他在86分(他的"满分")里只拿到76分。唉!分数不见了已经够惨了, 老师还要用木尺打他的手心7下以示警戒,下次不好再犯这种"不值得"的错误。老师会将惩罚分成几天来完成,每一天打两下,直到7下打完为止。所以星期四那天CZS在众目睽睽之下已经挨了两下木尺打手心。



"No, mommy. 李老师forgot about it. She did not beat CZS today. A few students reminded her....I was one of them."


"Samson, you are not supposed to do this!"


"I know you want to remind李老师,but have you thought about CZS? ...What if 李老师 really cane him after being reminder by you? If you were CZS, will you feel happy about it?"

"Lets say you were the one 粗心大意 and missed the 7 questions in the exam, so李老师wanted to beat you. She is supposed to beat you 2 times today, but she forgot. But your friends like CZH, LJ, or maybe LHM go and 'remind' 李老师 ,saying that "李老师, 你今天还没有打赖承懿",do you want that to happen?"

"No, mommy. I think I will 'naik darah'."

"Exactly.....but you did that to CZS just now. If you don't want to be treated badly, you should not treat people badly.己所不欲,勿施于人。你要别人怎样对你,你就要先怎样对人家。你一定要记得!"

" 而且李老师应该不是真的要打CZS七下那么多,她可能只是要吓他而已。So that he learnt a lesson and will not be so careless next time. You can always remind teacher if she forgets to praise her student, but not when she forgets to punish her student. 知道吗?"

点点头。你可能真的会 因为妈咪的这一番话而confuse,但"己所不欲,勿施于人"这句至理名言你一定要懂,可能你需要更长的时间吧!妈咪同时也希望CZS不会'记仇'而生你的气。毕竟因为你是'好意'提醒老师而已。希望吧!

9 条评论:

佩芳 说...


Samantha 说...

wow, the teacher so fierce ah! i still remembered i used to have a primary school classmate (boy) that was very weak and as a class rep, i had to take care of him, inclusive of during exam time (means let him know my answer) -- as threatened by her 'popo' who accompanied him in school daily. (i was only primary school then, and u know la, we were very 'tot' last time). The teachers knew about this but they did not say anything. During one exam, i taught him some questions, and i forgot to answer 3 questions myself. End up, I have lesser marks than him, i was so angry that time!

Wai Wan 说...

Lynn was beaten by teacher also last Friday, then teacher want to see me on Monday. Cham liao lah!
So far until now, kena beaten (what I know) was 3 times liao.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


Samantha ...aiyo, finally you confessed ya, after keeping the secret for so many years..haha :)

WW...aiyo, what happened? 3 times already? ...hope that not something serious (can send me private mail ya)

Samantha 说...

But actually the CZS quite pity le, why the teacher wants to punish him for forgetting to answer the Q only? beating like this will not work, but will hurt CZS feeling instead, esp in front of so many classmates. I dun agree with her teaching method actually.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Samantha...i also pity the boy CZS la. though he bullied yr nephew weeks ago, that is different issue. i also dont know understand why teacher wants to beat him...perhaps want him to remember the mistake. I believe there is better way to do it...perhaps copy 700 times of 我以后考试作答要小心,不可以再粗心大意。

Wai Wan 说...

Lynn was beaten last friday because she throw a scissor to her friend, naughty girl. Luckily miss the boy and fell to the table. She really kena pukul lah, so dangerous.

I am worry that teacher want to see me, dont know what to say to the teacher, scared that she scold me too.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

WW...aiyo, really dangerous. luckily no body got hurt. but did you check with Lynn why she threw the scissors? I am sure there is a reason before she did that.

jo 说...

Hmmm..... well, i would like to say that Sam and the other students didnt do anything wrong, in fact.
You see, that's the "double standard" that we adults practice daily and want the kids to follow suit, which is really really confusing.
I can see your point of "remind to praise, but dont remind to punish", but if we exagerate the matter a bit more, say a convicted criminal, would we not remind the judge to sentence a punishment??
Hmm.... too much issues involved here lar.

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