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旧账 ~2005的日记(1)


那天不是说过靓师奶在大扫除书房里的柜子,发现了好些“宝藏”。都是很多年前承懿的功课。呵呵!几乎在记忆里消失了-幸亏发现了-记忆回来了。所以师奶会慢慢地一批又一批地贴上来。虽然是陈年往事,但也是妈咪这几年来的妈妈经的一部分 。

原来不经意之下妈咪 consistantly帮承懿做了4年的记录。不赖哦。。。ahem。

以下这一些都是2005 年的“作品”。那时候承懿一个星期上一次亲子课程(妈咪陪着一块上的)。老师要学生们一个星期呈上一篇小文章。当时只有三岁三个月的承懿当然只可以口述,妈咪照着抄下来的,虽然只是那么一两句。。。

Lemon (12 Jan 2005)
I have 2 lemons, one for Samson and one for mommy.

Buns (18 Jan 2005)
Three little buns sit on the wall, one for Samson, one for mommy and one for papa. Yummy!

Watermelon (24 Jan 2005)
I have a big watermelon. Mommy cut it into four pieces, two are red and two are yellow. They taste sweet.

Sticks and Cotton (1 Feb 2005)
Sticks and cotton are different. Stick is hard but cotton is soft. They are opposite.

Butterfly (17 Feb 2005)

Two butterflies fly over the fence, one is Samson and one is papa. They are good friends.

Train (22 Feb 2005)
One little train is coming to town. Papa and Samson sit on the train. Samson ins happy! ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.

Hamburger (7 March 2005)

The hamburger is for Samson. Papa bought for me. It is big and it taste good. I like to eat. Thank you, papa.

Cake (14 March 2005)
This is a cake. Brendan came to my house t eat the cake. Yummy! We like the caKE VERY MUCH.

Treasure (20 March 2005)

My treasure is in the jungle. There are many many trees in the jungle. My treasure is a piece of cake. It is a cherry cake.



2 条评论:

jo 说...

Hahaha.... this lil fellow surely liked to eat.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...memang from the parents. haha:P

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