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见老师不是要她特别关照宝贝,而是要坦白对她说明宝贝“特别的地方”还有他学习路上的难题所在。对老师一再保证说承懿会尽力(妈咪也努力让他尽力),同时也恳切希望老师可以明白、了解我们的难处,并多多包涵承懿的不足。尤其是希望老师可以和同僚(教承懿班的科任老师)沟通一下,让他们也明白。最好是避免写上“字体抄写得整齐一些”或者"messy"之类的评语在他的作业簿上面 (妈咪知道他是已经尽力做到他的最好了),希望老师们可以通融一下。不要一再写类似评语来打击小小的心灵 。

不是因为靓师奶在偏袒爱儿,是实话实说,没有假话。21世纪的现今社会科技发达电脑时代连手提电话都是 touch screen的,哪里还有人拿起笔杆写字的呢?(除了书法家,呵呵!)当然师奶不会因为这个理由而任由宝贝随便马虎了事。总之尽最大的能力写到最好抄到最好就可以了。同时师奶也拿了理惠老师给承懿做的功课给许老师看,让她对宝贝的“程度”有更深一层的认识 。还好师奶从老师那里得到的反应是挺正面的。许老师也把教科学的谢老师拉来一块了解情况。(真好。)然后师奶就带着感恩与感激的心情步出教员办公室,在校外等宝贝下课了。

老实说,以宝贝面对的难题而他可以有今天的进展与成绩,已经是很好很好了; 那是几年下来的苦功与泪水啊!当然我们不会因为这样而驻足不前,相反地会更加努力前进再前进。一切尽力就好。

当然还要谢谢我家胖老爷出钱出力出时间出爱心很多时候还要出场做“和事佬” (呵呵)

3 条评论:

yenjai.net 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

yenjai...呵呵呵!所以你是医生啦 :P

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

面子书留言 :

Yenny Chai 你說的那些評語,本人在小學時就常常出現在成功單上..說真的,心理還真的創傷不小.這也因為如此,本人不擅寫楷體...
13 January at 17:39

Sabrina Woong CW YY。。。真的吗?我记得你的字 (中学),ok嘛。你的小学老师要求太高了啦。。。还有,即使真的很不济又怎样?无损你的工作能力啊! :)
13 January at 17:48

Yenny Chai 謝謝哦!我還被下過愛講話呢...哈哈哈..好啦..我承認啦我就是愛講話..
13 January at 17:51

Lee Wai Wan Sabrina, actually whats wrong with your boy? He is normal right? I think most kids writing are crab, ha ha, my Lynn's writing is worst until teacher don't even want to mark her book.
13 January at 20:40

Sabrina Woong CW YY。。。爱讲话是好事啦,看,你以前的强项就就造就了今日的专业,息息相关哦 :P
13 January at 21:40

Sabrina Woong CW WW...thanks :) the BEST compliment i have ever heard. very kind of you, really.
13 January at 21:42

EweChin Eugenice Wong i also go to see the class teacher every new semester year to show the X-ray of her spine & to request for leaving all her books at her drawer......
13 January at 21:50

Lee Wai Wan I never want to see any teacher, hopefully, last year, teacher always wants to see me, very scared as sure got complaint! Hopefully this year better.
13 January at 22:03

Sabrina Woong CW EC。。。父母难为,你我深深体会 :)

WW...eh, please la, what complaint? Lynn is such a good girl. I remembered her picture with so many trophies leh...i think her teaches likes you, wants to meet you only :P
13 January at 22:36

Lee Wai Wan Really one, nobody believe, really always beat by teacher. Several times Liao ah, that is why I am real scared. The worst time was she throw scissors at friend, luckily no one hurt. Always got news.
13 January at 23:56

Aw Sin Lay
haha. u gals are all good mums :)
i got similar comment from the teacher that my daughter's writing need to be improved, but I do nothing :p i think it is not her fault, it is just that chinese character are difficult to write la :p i tr...ied giving my daughter larger square box to write the chinese words, but was told that she has to use the 'standard' one (much smaller one) :p

over here, many mums volunteer to help in classes, so they see the teacher every week. i am the lazy one, i only see the teacher when there is a formal session.See more
14 January at 08:11

Sabrina Woong CW WW...一家不知一家事 ,看来我们要多点聊咯 :)

SL...hello, please la, what we gals are good moms only...u are one too. u left everything behind to migrate for what? for the kids for sure. see? .....:P
14 January at 09:27

Lee Wai Wan My lynn's writing is crab just like her daddy, daddy's writing is so terrible that he himself also cannot read, last time working in audit, boss cannot understand what he wrote so have to clear queries thru phone.
14 January at 09:46

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