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年关将近,靓师奶“系咁以”都要 spring cleaning打扫家里一下。。。ahem。其实不是啦。而是太久没有收拾书房的壁橱、抽屉,太多“旧东西”在里面,新东西没地方放了。很多书啦练习簿啦纸张啦图画纸啦bla-bla-bla太多了。今天下午宝贝在做功课,妈咪也在‘埋头收拾’。他的进度还可以,妈咪的可就不行了,因为一边收拾一边翻看,很多在脑海里模糊的画面就一个又一个地“变‘回来了。。。那种感觉很不错哦,也是一种享受。真的。

师奶意外发现承懿2009年写的日记哦,只写了4篇 nia。哈哈哈!老实说师奶根本不记得这回事了。不过现在读起来,也会莞尔一番。

A Visit To The Dentist (28 May 2009)
It was a long time to have filling. First,the dentist had to get out all my plague. It didn't feel painful! Next, the dentist had to make a hole. This one felt painful. My heart was flying and going to a zillion pieces.And the heart said "Oooooooooouuuuucccccchh!" Then the dentist pulled out all the worms (actually bacteria). Then filling. Then when I finished,....TIME TO CHARGE FEES!


5 条评论:

键轩惠娘 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

键轩惠娘。。。哈哈哈!难道你也是同道中人? :P 是咯, 收拾的时候往往有很多意外惊喜,还有更多的垃圾+废物 :P 有时候会佩服自己的“循环再用”功夫。呵呵呵!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


Aileen Goh Ha ha ha, I love the worms part.
12 January at 13:04

Sabrina Woong CW haha...me too :P
13 January at 08:24 ·

jo 说...

See! Your son also liked to exaggerate things, hahha!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...hahaha. this is not the 1st day u get to know him, ok?

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