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昨天是新学年开课首日。中午放学时天公不作美地下起倾盆大雨。接宝贝放学的靓师奶成了半只“落汤鸡”, 膝盖以下的部分还有两肩湿透。够力!幸好承懿因为有雨衣和雨伞“双剑合璧”,被雨淋湿的情况比妈咪好很多。



"Anyone nominate you?"
"OK...then any of your friend being nominated?"
"Mom, no nomination for 卫生组长。"
“Why? 老师选的?”
“No. 许老师 asked for volunteers...I mean she asked who is willing to be 卫生组长,就举手。”
"It's not like that, mom. I want to let others to have the chance."
哎哟!不好。妈咪"以师奶之心度宝贝之腹“了啦!赶快“补镬” (广东话)。
"Oh. That's very kind of you, Sam. You did the right thing. Let others have the chance."
"Ya, mom."


3 条评论:

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Lee Wai Wan Sporting boy! He wants to concentrate on his study and prepare for UPSR.
4 Jan 2011 5 hours ago
Sabrina Woong CW ww...i also hope that he is "really sporting" :P....well, dont scare me + him, he is just starting his std 4, UPSR still long way la.....
2 hours ago

jo 说...

Yes, not neccessary to "hog" the place even if you are the best candidate for it! You can help/guide the others to do it. Sam is such an amazing boy! Some of our politicians should really learn this from him lar!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...wow! suddenly such a "tall-hat" for yr nephew? hahaha :)

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