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开学的第四个星期一。每一个礼拜的这一天下午接了宝贝放学后母子俩的午餐是在车里解决的,别有一番风味哦 (请容许自欺欺人一下,呵呵!)然后哦就用湿纸巾帮他擦擦脸,让他换下校服,送他到灵区诺老师那里补习国语。接下来的90分钟,妈咪就在附近找有树荫的地方泊车在车里上上网看看报纸来消磨一下时间。。。好像有点“戆居”。。。没办法啦,可以帮到他的话,再“戆居”一点还是可以的咯。

4 条评论:

yenjai.net 说...

你可以免费坐在我的诊所用 wifi

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


yenjai.net 说...

可以帮的, 我一定帮

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

msgs from FB

Derek Loo ‎24 孝妈咪哦!
24 January at 15:35 ·
Lee Wai Wan Just want to check with you, does student really need tuition for bahasa? Which STD need to start tuition for bahasa? Samson really tough to stay back tuition after long day, real tough boy.
24 January at 15:58 ·
Lee Wai Wan Forgot to praise mummy, mummy super tough too, Hee hee
24 January at 17:04 ·
Sabrina Woong CW
卢大导。。。没有啦。很多妈咪都是这样的 :P

ww...depends la. if the kid can cope then ok. samson started his tuition std 2 because 不谙华语的老师 taught BM. I had bad experience when teaching him BM during std 1. everytime sure end up with my blood boiling and he was c...rying :( so the "best" solution is send him away...not responsible mom :P...no need to praise mommy, she just spares time, nothing much.See more
24 January at 22:44
Lee Wai Wan I see, as I did hear that STD 3 must tuition for BM as is too difficult for mummy to cope, not kid, hah! So far, I am still teaching on myself for all the subjects including some American workbooks, piano, now Wen is catching up to learn more, I am really hand full, very chuan!!
24 January at 23:04 ·
Doreen Tay WW & Sab, 你们真是好妈妈,我很惭愧。
Sab, may be mama demand 高,才会有压力吧!
25 January at 11:14 ·
Sabrina Woong CW 慧琴。。。不需要惭愧啦。真的。不能够比较。我们是全职妈咪,你是工作家庭兼顾的事业女性。。。不过我相信我们每一个人都尽量做到最好了啦。一起加油 :)
25 January at 20:41

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