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上个星期从老家回来之后就一直在忙着收拾、忙着准备新学年的开始。忘了是哪一天了,宝贝突然间冒出了一句 :"Mom, are we going back to Ipoh this Saturday (元旦)?"

怎么无端端提起要回怡保?家婆正在星加坡小姑的家,胖老爷应该不会回去的了。而且得给玩疯了的小子收拾心情上学了。"I don't think so, Sam. Why?" 

他默不作声了好一阵子,然后 : "It's tai-gong's (太公 = 胖老爷的外公) birthday, mom. We celebrated with him in January." 啊!怎么他会记得?

妈咪自己都已经忘了 (四代同堂的寿宴)。"Oh ya! You remembered that...but tai-gong passed away in August already."

"Ya, I know. What I meant is someone could buy a small cake and put at his grave yard to '请请“ (广东话 = 拜拜)."


**后记 :元旦那一天,忙着上班忙着玩LaQ忙着包寿司,到晚餐过后驱车回家时,承懿在后座又冒出了一句 "Dad, you think some one in Ipoh had bought a cake for tai-gong today? "我们当然不知道外公的生忌是不是真的有拜拜仪式,还是安慰一下赖小朋友说“有啦,有啦。”。。。在天国的太公会知道这位外曾孙“记得”。

7 条评论:

小河 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

小河。。。师奶脸红 paisei啦。。。没有功劳。还在学习当中。。。:)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Sabrina Woong CW 卢大导。。。你快到。。。:)哈哈哈!
7 hours ago · 04 Jan 2011

Yenny Chai 他真是一個好棒的小孩
6 hours ago

Sabrina Woong CW YY...不敢当。偶尔会“棒”一下下, 不过更多的时候是“不棒”咯。。。就像他妈咪一样。哈哈哈!
2 hours ago ·

Delene Yeoh 妈咪也是很棒啦!
33 minutes ago

Sabrina Woong CW delene。。。哎哟!要请你吃饭了啦。哈哈哈! :P
2 seconds ago ·

麗館主 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


jo 说...

Hmmm..... now i am pretty sure that i would have a piece of cake on my birthday years years later liao. I know you will say "tai-kat-lai-si!!!", hahaha! But i am so touched when lil Sam said that "someone could buy a small cake...". You know, that thought alone was very touching liao, really.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...i was touched indeed. sometime i really dont know what is in his little mind. most of the time he is so "not mindful", but in this case, he was so “贴心”。。。

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