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已经 1/3 了


忽然宝贝抬起头爆出一句:“妈咪,Teacher Lai (学校的英文老师,男的,很年轻)说他明天没有来。他要去 attend graduation ceremony。”


宝贝点点头 :“他还说他和他的朋友会一起把 graduation的帽子丢高高拍照。。。hehe, I think it must be fun…”

(妈咪在想这年轻的男老师真不赖,可以和他的学生分享课本之外的生活点滴。大学的毕业典礼对老师这个应届毕业生意义当然重大,但是对一班9岁的孩子也有一定概念的认识+思想的冲击。妈咪心里给 Teacher Lai 拍拍手。)

“Boy, 改天你也想像 Teacher Lai 那样把graduation的帽子丢高高拍照吗?”

“Of course, mommy”说得很果断又肯定。 (呵呵!)


“妈咪,我现在 Standard 3,几岁才会graduate啊?是不是还有很久?”

“你自己数一下。。。kindy 3 年、primary 6 年、 secondary 5 年、pre-u 1 年、大学 3 年或者4年,then graduation咯。全部多少年?”


“Wow! 18 years or maybe 19 years altogether…Alamak, still LONG way to go…”


“不要这样想。Why don’t you think like this? 你kindy读完了,那是三年。现在你三年级读more than half a year 了,又是 another 三年。 So, 3 + 3 = 6。你读了6年了。Out of 18 years, 6 years 是多少?”

“Mommy, I know I know…是三分之一。”

“Bingo! You had achieved 1/3 , which is 33 % already. Just another 2/3 to go. Not a big deal. Understand?”

“Ya – ya.” 孩子似乎被妈咪的“几分之几”说服了,忽然觉得目标渐渐清晰,也比较可以接受了。他笑笑。继续做功课。

承懿,时间多长路途多远那个不是问题,最重要是心态。保持正面乐观上进的心,加上坚持与毅力,还有什么事是办不成的呢?一定要记得“铁棒磨成针”+ “有志者、事竟成” 这两句话。

7 条评论:

YouWe紫外線 说...

哇。。。 看完之後心有餘悸咯!

我可是用了將近30年的時間才完成哦!妳還敢敢用我的’名字‘來做總結:P妳應該不是‘一石二鳥’來射我吧? :P


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

bro...HELLO!!! 你的个案是比较特别的啦,不能放在我的“理论”里边, OK?请你不要那么超敏感 :P 也请你不要庸人自扰 :P...想想一下,你真的是“有志者、事竟成”嘛!At least u made it!!!那已经是很好了, right? :)

Samantha 说...

pre-u is 2 years la, haha!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

samantha....ya ya :) what i meant here is A level. 1 year kao-tim.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Derek Loo 我们用 Mommy 的几分之几就惨了... 人生一甲子,我们却过了三分之二... 惨了... 哈哈哈...
06 August at 17:22

Sabrina Woong CW 卢大导,莎莎妈咪的理论很多时候只是用在宝贝儿子身上而已啦。。。:P
06 August at 20:22

Derek Loo hahahah... 幸亏幸亏...

jo 说...

AIYOH.... the stone that sailoh mentioned hit me liao! What a “有志者、事竟成” ! I never had that uni ambition before woh, so no wonder i couldnt and didnt make it lar, hahaha! :D
Eh, like mother like son ah, budak-budak already dreamed of throwing up that graduation的帽子丟高高拍照huh! Great, Sam, work towards it!
MG mummy was right this time. Instead of looking at how far we have to make to the destination, try to look at how far we have made it! :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...please la :P what's uni meant to u lah....u have been in 社会大学 for long-long-long time liao. no one can beat u la...wahaha :P...of course what mg mm said is right. by lloking how far we had made it will keep push/motivate us to go further ma...需要自我激励鼓励一下嘛!

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