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题目是一张图画 :
一栋flat / apartment ,有一个小男生倚在窗口看,他的屋檐下晾着两件衣服,楼上的住户也晾着衣服,但是楼上的衣服是湿淋淋的(在滴水),所以楼下小男生晾的衣服也变湿了。


这一题是选择题,所提供的答案有三个 :
(a) 把衣服重洗后,晾在屋檐下
(b) 与楼上的邻居理论
(c) 把楼上邻居的衣服弄掉下来

我的宝贝少爷选(b),不是老师的标准答案 (老师的答案是(a)),所以是错的。

他说作答的时候,他的确考虑了一下 (a) 或 (b), 因为(c)is out!
还是选 (b)因为 "I think we can discuss the problem with our neighbour "
but teacher said this is not correct....

Never mind, Samson. Mommy thinks your answer is correct!
(b) is definitely a better answer instead of (a).
When you are at the right side, 你有理由的时候,be brave! 去争取!
如果是(a), 你自己再洗一次衣服再晾一次,邻居根本不知道,下一次还是会晾湿衣服,还是会弄湿你的衣服。The problem is still there, the problem is not solved.
而且,你是去和邻居“理论”, 不是争吵、不是争执,你是对的!
即使老师mark you wrong, mommy STILL think that you are right!
So, your score is 20/21. OK? 明白吗?


8 条评论:

YouWe紫外線 说...

道德考這樣子的題目???有點‘白癡’ lor

(d)在屋簷下 故意玩煙花。。。讓陣陣濃濃的臭黑煙上升煙薰楼上住户晾著的屋子!

OK...另一題答錯的是甚麼?? 我很kepoh的!學妳嘛!:)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

bro。。。你真的是KP咯。哈哈!证明我们是同一条肠出来的 :P。。。我看到你提供的选择时,我是笑到眼泪都流出来了。。。令姐夫说我傻了 :P。。。我得再去找一找令外甥的道练,才可以报告给KP的kfc知道啦。

Wai Wan 说...

Put up an awning better, no point argue with neighbour.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

WW...hahaha. So that's yr option to Lynn ya :)

Samantha 说...

Tell Sam's Tchr, she must be living in landed properties and not in flat ! :0)

My the other answer is: 从窗口喊道:“Hey, Pls be considerate, okie?" Haha! (that's why i have done before when one neighbour smoke cigarette outside their window and the smell lingers to my clothers)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

samantha...hahaha! that's really you. I know you would have done that! I am not surprised at all.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

To Ang my answer is also b
12 August at 17:16

jo 说...

Hahaha..... yeah, yeah, Sam's answer was right. We cant tolerate nonsense all the time, enough is enough!

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