最近这两个月迷《哈利波特》小说及光碟迷到不行的赖小朋友,有一天在书房里做功课做到一半的时候,突然面有难色,抬起头对着我说:“Mom,I am having a problem now…”
“What’s your problem?”
“I am not sure if I should change my ambition as a professional engineer.”
呵呵~从二年级开始想当和他爸爸一样的专业工程师的志愿怎么突然间会改变呢?当然要追问下去。“Well, what made you change your ambition? And why?”
“Movie director! Mom, I think a movie director is pretty cool, look at the Harry Potter’s movie ~~~ Mom, does a movie director make a lot of money?”
OMG~妈咪要很努力地不笑出来,还要很认真地回答问题。“Ok… a movie director does make a lot of money, the more people watch his movie, the more money he makes.”
“Mom, do you think I can be a movie director?”
“Of course you can! 你不是学过一句话『有志者,事竟成』吗?As long as you work hard enough, there is nothing impossible. But it’s not easy to become a movie director, you have to read a lot, learn a lot and know almost everything(我知道有点夸张啦). You have to be very creative, have lots of new ideas, new concepts and most importantly you have to TALK a lot, I mean to communicate. You have to make sure your crew and actors know what you want, they understand what you are talking, then only they can act accordingly…see?” 妈咪这一番话,都是对“症”下药。所谓的“症”就是赖小朋友向来口齿不伶俐,沟通能力欠佳。希望这样讲可以激励他努力朝向目标而有所改善。虽然妈咪知道是有点痴人说梦话一点。不过总好过什么都没说吧。
宝贝点点头 :“不知道dad 会 agree if I become a movie director one day?”
“I am SURE he will agree. He will be very proud of you also. No matter what you do in the future, dad and mom will support you, don’t worry. 你尽力就好了。”
“Ya, I know…”低头继续做功课。
6 条评论:
Hahaha! That is a great ambition, Sam! A dream can become reality when you work hard enough, good, good! :)
我看到的是,妈妈,你真是个给孩子满满正能量的妈妈!不管他以后有没有做到movie director!我相信他都可以很成功的!
jo...this ambition is too great, indeed :P
非一凡。。。要很谢谢你咯。你只写“岛”,没有加提手旁= “捣蛋”的“捣”。哈哈哈!又被你说中了,我当时心里笑到不行。:P