回来之后,妈咪就叫他为这个“第一次”做些记录。拖拖拉拉近乎一个月,终于“出炉”了。这次出游,孩子带了相机去,拍景多过拍人。而拍人的照片,也只有那么一两张是他自己的,他都拿着相机拍朋友。好在他的老师Teacher Lai 在FB中上载了一册游记的相片,孩子问准了老师,借来一用。谢谢Teacher Lai!
Three weeks ago, I went to a camp
organized by my school somewhere near the borderline of Selangor and Negeri
Sembilan. I was to stay away from home for a night.
On that morning, when I arrived at my school,
there were about 70 students waiting. When it was 8 o’ clock, the bus came. We
set off to the camp. In the bus, there was a war --- “Photography war” ! We were
busy taking pictures of each other.
When we reached the camp, we put our luggage in our rooms. Then it was wall climbing time! I climbed up the wall, failing to ring the bell at the top (the main objective).
很喜欢Teacher Lai这张特写。 承懿很专心~步步为营
Next ~ flying fox! I zipped through the air, screaming “WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” I hit the end with such a force. I’m like~ terrifying experience. Never AGAIN!
没有想象这样“高”。。。宝贝真的是破纪录了! 那天晚上,承懿拨电来说玩那个 “飞天狐狸”时很怕 怕到心脏要跳出来了,我还笑他~~~ 看了老师拍的这张照片,真的很高!!! 照片里被吊着横越绳索的正是宝贝(眼镜拿了下来) 卡通表情是妈咪加工的啦~~形容宝贝当时的心情! |
After lunch, it was time for the obstacle course. The obstacle course was a bit hard. There was a part where I had to crawl under wires, like all those army officers. The ground was muddy, so my pants were all dirty!
承懿说他在闯关时,想到他看过的漫画~~~感同身受 |
这些是承懿拍的~所谓的“闯关游戏”的装置场地。 他说很难!妈咪明白。 |
这些动力和活力十足的照片是老师捕捉的镜头。 很美哦!我超喜欢。 孩子们的投入和专注表现无遗~~~ 宝贝告诉我说他没能成功闯过每一关。 我问他:“你尽力了吗?” 他猛点头。。。 “这样就够了咯!尽力了就OK料。Mom is happy for you."
啊哈~老师拍到我家宝贝咯~战战兢兢的·表情~~~呵呵 |
专心认真的模样~~~真难得! |
There was another part where I was to cover up holes of a holey barrel
and let members of my team pour some water into it. Alas, we lost. Our punishment ~ the group
that had won the game used their buckets to throw water at us!!!
很有画面哦~~哈哈~~~整桶水淋过去! |
找得到承懿吗?他的队伍输了比赛,在“受罚”。 哈哈哈~~~妈咪在“幸灾乐祸”。 |
At night, there was a campfire. The staff had organized shows for us. We
were amazed to see the staff breathe fire! (Although we all knew it was a
trick. HA!) We also played a few games. I also danced the hottest song (for
now)”OPPA GANGNAM STYLE” with some friends in front of the audience. Yahoo!
I could hardly have a rest. The secondary students next door woke up at one
o’clock and they were screaming ” MAGGI MEE! MAGGI MEE!” Oh God, it was such a
racket outside. Jeez
Dawn broke. It was 4:30a.m. When I woke up. My record for getting up at
the earliest time! My shoes were still wet after playing the obstacle course. I
cringed as I put them on. We were going to climb a mountain!
At 5:30am, it was time to start the walk! I stayed behind for teacher’s guidance
since I had asthma.
It was a bit of challenge climbing up the mountain. I kept on wheezing,
leaning on trees and grasping strong branches. After some hard time, I finally conquered the mountain! I REACHED THE
有日出、有山顶俯视的景观、有茅草。。。不错! |
After going down the mountain and heading back to camp, we set off
towards our 1st sightseeing destination. A temple!(拿督公)
Okay 11:00am, I had good news and bad news.
Good was I had captured a few nice shots. Bad~ it started to rain! We had to
get back to the bus. Such dismay. GRRRRRRR!!!!!!
After having lunch, we went to a rabbit farm. The rabbits were so cute!
However, the rabbits weren’t the star of the show. There were also other
animals, like monkeys, ducks geese, dogs (that I hate), horses and more.
There was an organic farm in our itinerary, but it was canceled due to
the rain. So after we visited the rabbit
farm, we went home. I’m a bit like: Whoopee!
I felt slightly more independent after the camp. I am proud of myself!
宝贝和他的 Teacher Lai ~三年级的英文老师. 虽然离职了,但他还是时常回来义务参与学校的活动。
很有爱心的老师。深受学生爱戴。 |