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nick name

“Samson, 刚才在 basketball court你和一个fat boy玩,your friend
“Ya, dad.”
妈咪插嘴 :“爸爸, 不要叫人家 fat boySam do you know his name?”
“Everyone calls him Lim, mom.”
“好笑咯。怎么年纪这样小好像大人做工那样叫surname Lim ”妈咪不解。
爸爸也笑了。”They call you Lai ?”
“No, dad. I have a nick name. They call me ‘copy Brian’.”
“Huh?  Why? Who is Brian?”
“I don’t know.  But they said I look like Brian, so they call me ‘copy Brian’.”
“Boy, you have to tell them your name next time. You can say something like “My name is Samson, you can call me Sam. “…You are just giving your friend another choice. They can call you real name or nick name.”
“Everyone has nick name la.” 胖爸爸说的。
赖小朋友忽然间很有兴趣咯。 “What’s your nick name, dad?”
“Haha…Dad’s nick name is 波子(广东话, it means either marbles (玻璃弹珠) or Porsche (保时捷)
“What is Porsche ?”
“Racing car. Very famous.”
“Wow! Cool!。。。妈咪有nick name?”
呵呵!是妈咪‘表演’的时候咯。当然只会挑好的来说。 ahem。。。
“妈咪的   nick name 啊。。。有ah chow啦苹果啦大脸庞啦。。。哦!还有cute-cute。。。嘻嘻”妈咪自己讲了也有点不好意思。
“妈咪你有cute- cute咩?”宝贝一脸无辜地‘不耻下问’。
 说完两父子哈哈大笑,一点face 都不给妈咪。。。

4 条评论:

牛車輪 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


jo 说...

Hahaha....!  Oui!  You still hide some of they from lil Sam leh.  Give him a clue like:  whenever you guys are back to Penang, we will drive out to get some after dinner one.... hahaha!  :D

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...i told u i just selectively chose those good ones to share with samson, see? :P

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