宝贝拿成绩册那一天,知道明年被派读4K班。吃晚饭时他报告给妈咪听,然后就有点丧气地说好朋友CZH明年读4M (另一个精英班)。妈咪就安慰他说读不同班不代表没有朋友做了啦,还是可以保持联络,就好像今年和GH(2年级的好朋友)不同班,你们还是一样要好啊 (放学时候,彼此有默契地等对方下课,然后一块下楼)。他点点头。
"Mommy, I can not believe this!!! CXY told me this afternoon. XZS (隔壁班的 "superboy",全级第一名) will be in 4K next year. We are going to be in the same class." (三年来没同过班啦)
"No good for me ....sigh...."
"Why no good for you?"
"He is the strongest! It's very difficult to beat him.....no way..."
"Sam, you can't say like that. Why do you think that you can not beat him? 只要你努力一点、专心一点、小心一点, no problem at all. You are brainy, the only thing you loose your focus easily. So , you have to improve in your focus and concentration."
"But....he is very good...."
"You are VERY GOOD also!"
"Mommy is not telling you that you MUST beat him. No, not like that. What mommy is trying to say - you are good, you are clever! You have to work hard and try your best. Stay focus also. Then you should be alright. Don't loose your confident before you step into the battle field. "
"He is the great general then...."
"Ya. I know. But you are at least a deputy general. See? You can‘t loose your confident. If so, 你已经输了, before anything. Be confident and fight! Even if you loose the battle, you are not to far behind. Understand?"
还在车龙中大排长龙的妈咪灵光一闪 。
"Boy, you know 《三国》 pretty well, right? Please tell mommy, who is stronger? 曹操还是刘备?”
“Of course 曹操。”
"Ya. Right. But did 刘备 scare of 曹操 because he was not as strong as 曹操? 刘备 did fight曹操! 刘备 won some of the battles also, right?"
"Yes, mommy. But 刘备has诸葛亮。 "
"Sam, you have 诸葛亮 too。"
"Me? ....Where?..."
"Boy, your 诸葛亮 is here - inside your heart. He will definitely help you if you are willing to fight! Trust me, it is true!"...
每个人心中都会有自己的“诸葛亮”, 不是吗?
8 条评论:
我心中的诸葛亮, 有时比较邪恶”, 所以不要告诉Sam哦! 哈哈~
其實我自己都未曾讀過‘三國’, 等我回來時記得借我看看喔!
mimi。。。每个人心中的“诸葛亮”都不一样啊!你的只是有时候比较邪恶,没问题嘛 :P 我不会告诉他,不过他偶尔会看《莎莎妈咪》的。呵呵!
bro。。。没问题。你要看漫画版 / 文字版 / 光碟, 都有!
Aiyoh, bro, you memang "siah-suei" lar! Think you can start with the comic or cartoon first lar, not that boring lor.
I read "Three Kingdom" years ago (hari ini dalam sejarah) because wanted to see how intelligent that "Choo Ker Liang" was ma. You know lar, "Choo Ker Liang" was someone's idol too (besides lil Sam).
佩芳。。。谢谢你的“喜欢” :) 其实我只是在尝试 motivate 承懿,忽然之间有的 idea。不过再想想,每个人真的都有一个“诸葛亮”。。。我明白你现在经历的困难时间,希望你心中de1"诸葛亮“可以帮到你。要加油 :)
jo...ya la, this time sailoh kena hentam from u ...hahaha (幸灾乐祸的二姐) :P
I like this one very much...
doreen...THANKS for yr support :) haha.