那天不是“爆料”说弟弟+依颜在纽卡索上飞机之前,行李严重超标,被迫缴交罚款 (可怜到)。其实靓师奶内心很paisei,皆因弟弟的包包里有好些东西是买给他的二姐的啦。除了来自欧洲几个不同国家的fridge magnets、还有6件“硬石餐厅”的T-恤、就是以下这个大块头的贺礼 ~ 靓师奶胖老爷结婚11周年的礼物。
很漂亮, 对不?师奶是超喜欢的啦。可以肯定是世上独一无二的。意大利威尼斯一件有点像“十字布”的织品,图画是威尼斯地标圣马可广场 (Piazza San Marco)再加上那里独特的狂欢节色彩面具,框起来。除了美-还是美!呵呵!感恩哪!
3 条评论:
Ya lor, i like it too! (though it wasnt meant for me lar :p)
That two Madigrass masks made it so unique and 3D! :)
jo...ya lah...i can lend it it yo u if u want lah :P
Derek Loo 你就好咯~~~
26 November 2010 at 18:06
Sabrina Woong CW 卢大导。。。小小师奶哪里敢和你比? 哈哈哈:P
26 November 2010 at 18:27
Derek Loo hahaha...
26 November 2010 at 20:57
Lee Wai Wan Very nice, I have the same material one but is the Grand Canal with the bridge at the back.
26 November 2010 at 21:48
Doreen Tay 好漂亮啊!
27 November 2010 at 11:23
Sabrina Woong CW WW...u must show me next time when I pay a visit to u :)
Doreen....是很漂亮。嘻嘻! :P
27 November 2010 at 20:46
Lee Wai Wan I really like the 2 masks that stick to your cloth painting, very unique, mine one dont have.
28 November 2010 at 19:27