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屠妖节这一天,拜慧慧阿姨的"通风报讯"之下,妈咪替宝贝报名参加了画家张儒仪 的绘画一日营。与熙和熙乐一块参加。





宝贝很开心很enjoy 〜 妈咪说的。



"Yesterday I went to an art camp. I went with Aunty Hui Hui’s kids, XiHe (aka David, hehe) and XiLe. As I went upstairs, I saw many paintings on the wall.  I was wondering who had drawn these? They are good!

We arrived early.  I played “castle destroyer” with the two brothers. We were so into the game that we did not realize time flew by. It was 10:00 am.

The class started! First, we used crayons to draw how we felt like at that moment.  Teacher Ursa said from my drawing, I am cute. I am cute?! I should be handsome (haha, just kidding).

Then Teacher Ursa let us meditate. Then she asked us to draw what colours surrounded us after we had the meditation.  I drew 5 colours around me. They were red, blue, yellow, green and purple.  

Painting time! Teacher told us to draw two pictures. One had to use warm colours and the other cold colours. We had to paint it with acrylic, a paint that dries fast.  

Hmm…what should I draw? Aha! Angry Bird! I drew Red, with sunlight spreading out from his body. Teacher said my picture was not too bad! She said I had talent! I felt a little proud.

One down, one to go! Time for the cold colours. Is there any characters that I am familiar with? There is one, yes! The MIB (Man in black)! I got my brushes ready again. This one was slightly messy.  Whew! I finished it in time.

After having pork noodles at a restaurant, we had to make another piece of art. A big one! Teacher told us to draw the sky and sea, using our creativity to make them look funny! I drew the picture. The sea had four colours. The sky was purple and green! The sun was blue! The stars appeared at the same time the sun did! Haha!

After the third picture, teacher asked us to gather around the computer. There was a picture of a girl sleeping in the desert when suddenly a lion came along. What would happen next? Teacher asked us to use the drawings to continue the story. I drew the girl awakened by the lion’s roar and quickly jumped into the river.

5:00pm! I finished drawing my 4th and the last picture. Just then, mom came. I showed her my paintings. She said I was good! I felt very happy to learn how to paint with acrylic."

2 条评论:

cutemum 说...

是一天課程? 多少錢?

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

可爱妈。。,不好意思。这阵子没有上来回复这里的来留言。你不要介意har :)


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