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他的 kakao 心情报告

对承懿来说, 考试很重要,成绩也是。他看得重,所以很多时候,这种“紧张”会影响他在考场上的表现。😓😓😓

现在他报读的学校, 每个星期六都会有测验, 竞争挺激烈。偶尔会收到他发过来的照片~ 虽然是在说他的“惨事”,我觉得有点安慰之余,也觉得很好笑( 变态的妈咪🙄🙄🙄🤪🤪🤪)。是因为公仔的表情的缘故吗?

孩子对读书的要求很高, 我觉得不是坏事。做什么事情,有要求, 才会有进步。不是吗?


“要懂得化解压力, 适量的压力会让你不断前进, 过重的压力会逼死你自己。”

“分数不重要, 心态才是最重要的!”

“尽力而为。你不要和别人比较, 和自己比较就好了。你知道自己在进步 就 OK。”

“As long as you are on the right track, you will be fine.”

☝️☝️☝️类似的话, 我们从小对他说, 是陈腔滥调了。不过, 最近这三个月在我们3S的组群里,依旧频频看到。

孩子发这些照片过来,是要“宣泄情绪”吧。 我觉得是。所以, 我和他爸爸可以做的~好好听、好好看、再好好回复, 安慰、开解、鼓励。就是酱。

他告诉我们, 总好过不让我们知道吧。我是酱觉得。

或许有人会说:“怎么孩子酱大了, 考试这种小事都报告?(报备)”~ 我觉得是因为他相信爸爸妈妈可以给他力量。对我来说, 是好事。就像孩子, 也是我和胖爸爸的力量一样。



”Your son made careless mistakes in both tests” 

“下次小心一点。觉得说最多一些习题, 重复做, get used to it, know the questions well then u can avoid the careless-ness.” ~ 妈咪的回复

”Never mind, take it as lesson again. Be caution for the Mid Term Examination. Okay?”~ 胖爸爸的回复

“Today Frodo is dying because he got 85 on his chem test which can drastically pull down his avg. ew he says he could have gotten higher.”

“Aiya what is done is done liao, Frodo no need dying. Don’t look back, strive forward, work harder and be more -more - more careful next time ( many more times) ”
“可怜Frodo , 它的鼻子会更扁了。请扶它起来站好好, 让它看着你、陪着你温习和解题。你们一起加油💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻” ~妈咪的回复

“Frodo is rethinking life after messing up his physics exam again.”
【这一句“rethinking life “ 让我和他爸爸忍不住笑了出来。他很夸张啊!】

“Ok la. Rethinking life is a good practice. Rethink then u realize the mistake made, then U can improve next time.” ~ 妈咪的回复。

“Ya... No worry now, concentrate on others subject. When you back Dad teach you, may be u don't understand some of the concept.🤪” ~ 胖爸爸的回复

“100% Frodo becomes not a 100% Frodo just like his applied maths test. Shit lah I f-ed again.”

“Concentrate on chemistry now! Whatever over is over liao. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 “ ~妈咪的回复。我们要向前展望啊!孩子。


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