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绝对不是靓师奶要分享什么烹饪心得 (自认厨艺见不得人)。

I like chicken chop for these reasons, because it is delicious. I think it is very simple to make a chicken chop. But , I am wrong, it has many steps to it.  First, we must get ready some potatoes. Cut them into slices and put them into a frying basket. Then heat up the oil and put the basket in. While the potatoes are  frying, we cut a chicken into half. Chop!!! Then we toss it into the wok, which it grills. And next, get ready the peas and carrots and cook them. After that, put two pieces of raw lettuce on the plate.  Pour the peas and carrots onto the lettuce.  Then, scoop up the potatoes --- no, fries, onto the plate.  And finally, take out the chicken. Pour some sweet and sour sauce onto the chicken. Ketchup can also be served for free. Mmm……

其实是两个多月前宝贝补习的功课。记得那一天下午,他做完学校的功课后,就开始画画(上面那一盘四不像的chicken chop), 然后他就开始下笔写他制作鸡扒的步骤。果真是“下笔成文”, 没有草稿,就那样直接地写。前后不到15分钟就完工。。。妈咪在想,为什么每个星期班主任叫你用中文写的日记,你没有两个小时是不可能交货的呢?

4 条评论:

非一凡 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

非一凡。。。他还很喜欢海南鸡饭呢。呵呵 :P 不过他“最喜欢”应该是妈咪的碎碎念,要不,一篇日记需要两小时吗? 哈哈!

jo 说...

Aiyah! Simple lar, just because he didnt put his mind into it ma!
Sam, if one is going to follow the "recipe" you wrote, the so-called chicken chop would taste horrible!! :p

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...u know he is always day-dreaming :)

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