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总觉得现在的孩子一般上都很富足。很多东西都太容易得到了。甚至是他们还没有开口说要,身旁的大人们就已经准备好了,自动奉上。孩子们大多时候(还是无时不刻?)都觉得“什么都是应该的” (take for granted),不懂得体恤、体会、珍惜。简单的一句话就是没有所谓的“同理心”。

今天早上送孩子上学 (胖老爷南下办公),细雨纷飞。我们的车子刚好停在交通灯前等候。靓师奶看到两位背着书包的巫裔女学生,一位穿着中学的校服、另一位则是小学的校服,正冒着雨(没有撑伞),手牵手地横越马路。

"Boy...look at these 2 girls,"妈咪叫了一声,要后座还在“半梦半醒“的宝贝注意看一看。

"Ya, mom..." 嘴里还含着面包的他有些口齿不清。

“你看到那两位女生吗?I guess they are sisters. They have to walk in the rain, walk in the dark, early in the morning.她们和你一样,都是去学校。但是compare起来,你有没有觉得自己幸福很多? 你不用淋雨,可以sit comfortably in the car, 爸爸妈妈亲自载送上学。”


“妈咪不是要说你好命。。。而是想你学习“珍惜”, appreciate what you are having, don’t always take things for granted. 然后想想自己怎样可以做得更好。。。你已经是big boy了,要学会这些东西。。。要会想。”


3 条评论:

veronica 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

veron。。。不敢当 (会脸红呢!)。虽然说现在的孩子有压力,父母何尝不是,尤其是全职妈咪如你我?很有同感吧?一起加油:)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Lee Wai Wan Most of students in Lynn school are not rich, lots walk, cycle to school. Some girls wear worn out, pass down uniform from older siblings. Some can't even pay school fees and books. A few friends of her with hawker, butcher parents. This is one main reason we want them to learn and see from their own eyes, how lucky we were. And kids don't admire other peoples luxurious stationery as they don't see their friends own too.
11 March at 08:25 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW agree...have to let them learn/see/feel from their own eyes, including we as parents. appreciate what we are having + enjoying now :)
11 March at 08:37 · LikeUnlike
Lee Wai Wan But.........accordingly to Jho Low, we must have 'special rich friend' haha then only can become like him one day. So invest kids in rich man school is also good, sigh.
11 March at 09:16 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW ww...please la, who's this JL? I don't buy his 'philosophy' at all :P
12 March at 09:24 · LikeUnlike
Lee Wai Wan Haha I know you hate him. I always admire bad guys, now I admire Anson Wong, the lizard king.
12 March at 10:38 ·

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