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一切回归平静,忽然间冒出了一句 :"Mom, FPY (他邻座的女同学)lost her love."

妈妈心里嘀咕你这小子知道什么是“失去爱”吗?乱乱来。不过为娘的还是搭腔 :"So, what happened actually? Did FPY lost her pet? A dog? A cat...."

"NO, mom! FPY lost her love. She lost her boy friend."

"What?" 犹如五雷轰顶(夸张一点啦)。


"Did FPY tell you that? She has a boy friend?"

"Ya, she told me. Her boy friend is LJY from 4X 班。Many girls like him. FPY is one of them." 哎哟!这是那一号风头人物?妈咪没听说过。

"Oh, I see. They were same class last year right? Good friends only, not boy friend girl fiend la.""

"They are, mom. Both of them plan to get married when they are 20 years old, or something like that." 妈咪心里倒抽一口冷气。

"FPY is angry with LJY. She has been writing angry notes these few days, when teachers are not teaching." 我的天啊!现在是考试期间哦。

"Really? Did she show you the notes? What did she write?"

"She wrote '死LJY- 臭LJY-我不要和你做朋友了。我要推你出朋友的世界’。She is really upset."

"Ok...do you know why FPY is so angry with LJY?"

"Because LJY called FPY as 'xxx' (一个比较不雅的外号)。" 呵呵!就因为一个外号就“分手”。小孩子的“感情世界”令大人难以捉摸。

"Boy, do you know LJY? Is he handsome?"

"No, I don't know him (即这四年来没有同班过). But FPY said many girls like him, 很多女孩子追他,就好像很多男孩子追 CYW 一样。” 噢!如此原来。那个才华洋溢的CYW妈咪‘知道’,是个唱歌跳舞讲故事样样皆厉害的女同学,在学校风头蛮劲。

妈咪马上“打蛇随棍上” : “那你呢?你有没有像其他男生一样喜欢 CYW?”

哎哟!不得了!他很“正经”地说 : "M-O-M.... I will go for CCC only. "

这因为FPY的‘失去爱’, 又再次见识到宝贝的‘专一’ (暂时啦)。 这么多个月之后,原来他还‘死心不息’的咯!妈咪还是一再告诉他 "too young to talk about marriage, OK?"

8 条评论:

yenjai.net 说...

too young to even talk about such love :P

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

yenjai...exactly :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

白洁玲 哈哈~~专一的男人~~
4 hours ago
Sabrina Woong CW 哈哈哈!暂时还是。。。:P
4 hours ago

jo 说...

Hahhaa..... your son is so cute and serious about it lar!! :D

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...that's why lo. i would have pengsan if i am not that fit, see? :P

jo 说...

Actually hor.... i wouldnt pengsan if i were you lar. I would just get "internal injury" from tahan laughing out loud nya! :D

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...i have to make sure that i am always strong + fit, as this type of "surprises" will 陆续有来, for sure. :P

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

白洁玲 哈哈~~专一的男人~~
04 March at 09:04
Sabrina Woong CW 哈哈哈!暂时还是。。。:P
04 March at 09:25 ·
Lee Wai Wan Wah scary! Don't know whether they are too matured or too naive?
04 March at 16:01
Sabrina Woong CW ww...I chose "naive" :P
04 March at 17:54
Lee Wai Wan That's better
04 March at 21:56

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