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宝贝外甥因为他妈咪没有准备生日贺卡,所以刚刚自己快手快脚地画了一张给姨妈。在最后一页还写上 Samson Publishing – All rights reserved. 很“师爷”哦。


3 条评论:

jo 说...

Si lor, si lor.  With birthday present or not, I still enjoyed the special dinner as much.  Like you said, first time pa had a birthday meal with me; previously only ma joined us nya. And thanks to you, we had so many many birthday feasts! :)Sam's card was cute!  He was considerate enough to draw 2 cakes with 4 big candles and 4 small candles on them respectively.  Guess he worried the cakes may melt, hahaha!  :DHope i am not only one year older, but wiser too huh!  :p

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

it's always my pleasure + honour to celebrate yr BD together. feel blessed :) and we had pa for the first time, record :P hoping for more participation from him.
Yr nephew did not forget abt the birthday cake. he wrote in his diary something like "we celebrated ema's birthday but there wasn't any cake..."well, too young for him to understand la. I mean the 'together-ness'...actually u did have cakes, the 2 cakes he drew for u on the card :)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Lee Wai Wan Please say happy birthday to her!
16 March at 17:38 · LikeUnlike
Derek Loo 谢谢你,靓师奶!
16 March at 17:41 · LikeUnlike
Mei Lau 莎姐,我唔记得佐!好在call佐拒wishing her! @.@
16 March at 18:01 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW ww...thanks. conveyed yr wishes to her. happy holidays ya:)
17 March at 10:27 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW 卢大导。。。不谢不谢。应该的。不会忘了你。哈哈哈:)
17 March at 10:27 · LikeUnlike
Derek Loo hahaha...
17 March at 10:27 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW 靓女Mei...谢谢你的赏脸,昨晚一块吃饭 :)
17 March at 10:29 · LikeUnlike
Mei Lau 应该多谢你请吃饭才对!最近很难upload photo so 要耐性等下全家福的相片廖!
17 March at 10:35 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW mei...it's ok , no rush. take yr time. the best 全家福在我们的脑海里 :)
17 March at 10:48 · LikeUnlike ·
Mei Lau 我要“发孟震”啦一副相都load唔到~
17 March at 12:09 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW slowly 靓女。。。不急啦 :)
17 March at 12:52 ·

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