“要买礼物? How much money you can spare?"
"Hmm...I don't have much. I spent all my savings for wii.Last month (November) saving I spent on batteries (放在wii遥控器里的干电池). I only have about RM26 for this month."
"OK. How much are you willing to spend for the gift then?"
"ALL, mommy. Hehe, I am very generous, right?"
是啦是啦。 动用你的“成副身家”,果然对你的dg爹地是“一掷千金”咯!
"So, what would like to get for dad?"
"Hmm...maybe I want to get him a shirt, which he can wear to his office and work."
"Good idea. But mom is afraid that RM26 is not enough to buy a shirt."
“If mom is not mistaken, you still have RM10 in your HP story book, remember? Willing to spend that for dad's gift?"
"Oh! Ya ya....how can I forget that? ...Mom,do you think RM36 is enough for a shirt?"
"I think should be enough if it's the sales item. Anyway, I can lend you some money if the shirt costs more than RM36, then I shall deduct the amount from your pocket money next month. OK?"
"I think so. "。。。
就 这样在上了理惠老师的课后,两母子就浩浩荡荡地出发到佳世客去选礼物买礼物。哈哈!可能是宝贝的“孝义动天”,JJ里年终大减价,很多衣服都在打折。在选 购的过程中,妈咪的任务是先看价钱,还有胖老爷喜欢的布质;衣服的颜色、花纹格式完全让承懿自己决定。 我们很顺利地买到了一件浅蓝色衬衫给爸爸。价钱完全符合宝贝的“预算案” ,在 70% discount 后只需区区RM33。承懿当然是笑到见牙不见眼啦。
符合宝贝的有“限 budget”的贺礼 ~一件很朴实的格子衬衫。。。
礼物有了着落,轮到蛋糕了。宝贝在前一个晚上,很有心思地向爸爸打听说爸爸最爱吃那一 种蛋糕 (对承懿而言,生日一定要有蛋糕的咯),爸爸说是chiffon cake。承懿也想买一个给爸爸。因为他budget剩余的RM3不够买一个RM4.90的pandan味道chiffon cake,妈咪就建议说
"Maybe i can pay half for the cake. Both of us share the cost."
"YES ! YES! Please....thanks mom."
然后回到家后他就将 RM36还给妈咪,师奶也郑重地将55仙还给他。他就将“硕果仅存”的零钱存进扑满咯。
"Mom, I still have balance of 55 sen. Hehe..."
"Very happy la....."
胖老爷其实不爱吃蛋糕。"勉为其难"的话他选了 chiffon cake。
不过承懿买的RM4.90 pandan味道蛋糕,爸爸觉得是“甜到腻”咯!
2 条评论:
Hahhaha.... your son is "thai sek" lor... :)
jo....exactly, especially his fatty papa :P