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不过我家宝贝很多时候还是会受到像少爷般的款待,鲜少有机会碰家务琐事;真的是有点像“钱来伸手,饭来张口”那样 (唉! paisei)。
在这一次为期6星期的长假里除了假期作业国际象棋训练营ICT computer camp返家乡和玩乐之外,赖小朋友一定要学会 ~ 摺衣服 / 嗮衣服 /洗碗碟。

(请 ignore 照片上的日期,绝对是错的。这张照片是 hot-hot from the oven,意即“新鲜出炉”啦!)所以今天下午,承懿从学校 ICT computer camp 回来之后,很悠闲地坐在沙发上看英文小说。妈咪和外婆在忙着摺叠刚嗮干的衣物 (出游之后的“苦差”,洗涤 +摺叠)。承懿被“请”来参与其盛,大大小小四十来件衣物。

"Huh? how many I have to fold?" (真是“懒到出汁”!)
"Oh...your own portion will do. Not too much."
"Lucky me...hehe." 还敢敢偷笑。
妈咪对外婆说 : “婆婆,等一下你煮晚餐的时候,你只需要煮你自己的份就可以了。”
哈哈!外婆很合作地说 OK。
轮到我家少爷说 : “Oh NO”。。。哈哈哈!问你死未?




6 条评论:

Wai Wan 说...

He is too "pao pei" and "ho miah", hahah. Lynn and Wen started to help me do laundry when they were 3 years old, hang clothes, collect all dry clothes from the line.
Now, they are serving dishes during dining time, holiday help my mother wipe furniture, Lynn wipe the window.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

ww...you are right. my son is too "ho miah" in a way. so it's time for "intensive training" now. hahaha :P will let him learn bit by bit. Guess girls are more 乖巧听话 than boys. that's why i feel "jealous" towards u sometime...how i wish i have a 乖巧听话 daughter :P

jo 说...

Hahhaa....!  Yes, yes, it is time for Sam to learn all these little but essential tasks liao.  Actually hoh, the more clumsy he is, the more he has to do it as "training", hahaha!  Tell him that ema said this.  (See!  This ema can be more MG than mommy, hahaha!) :D

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...it's time for u to show yr "ko-li" liao. please join me to "train" yr nephew la :P

Wai Wan 说...

Next time, after you collect his clothes from the line, just throw them on his bed, then he will have no choice but to fold it. Does he prepare for his clothes to go to school? If he does not let him be late for school.

Lynn and Wen started to prepare uniforms or clothes for tomorrow since they were 2+. Lynn can help me to bathe her youner sister when she was merely 4+.

All these depends on how a mother train the kids. I did see boys who are really helpful at home, not girls only.

Hubby's super rich boss, his daughter is only 10, already wash her own panties when she was 9. She has maids at home, but mother insisted her to wash it and hang it in her own bedroom.

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

ww...haha. in this case, think sasa mommy has not done a good job in training her boy :( 她得多加把劲咯 :P

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