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昨天旧地重游东禅寺,寺内竖着很多星云大师的墨宝,还有一些载自《菜根谭》很有意思的话语。数之不尽。以下是小师奶最喜欢的其中一个,愿与你分享+共勉 :)

3 条评论:

jo 说...

Just make sure it is the correct "sim" lar. But half the people have the "kia-su sim" lor, hahaha! :p

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...kia-su-sim still can accept bit, can not tahan the "tam-sim"...which is very common. sigh.

jo 说...

Oh,yes, yes! Totally agree with you!! "Tham-sim" is just like a bottomless well that could not be ever filled up. Feel sorry for this type of "tham-sim" people, they will never ever feel the joy of having what they are having right now. Come to think of it, serve them right too! :p

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