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push up

哈哈!别想“歪”咯。不是讲push up bra, 今天要讲的是孩子在体育课要做的掌上压。

自农历新年假期过后,我家宝贝为掌上压“担心”了整整三个星期。体育老师要他们一个一个出来做push up,而且要计算一分钟所达次数。不是对着墙壁做的,也不是双脚交叉膝盖着地的那种哦。是那种很正式、标准的掌上压,宝贝讲的。坦白说,他是做不到的咯。两只手臂都不够力,哪会做得到?


妈咪还是很mg的咯,在这非常时段还落井下石地说 : "See! Take things too easy. Mommy has been asking you to do the push ups against the wall since 3 years ago. 懒惰啦。。。Now who's facing the consequences?" 讲真的,师奶的大姐宝贝的姨妈在三四年前就曾亲自示范如何正确地对着墙壁做push up,为的是要帮赖小朋友练臂力。他那双手不止没有缚鸡之力,连在儿童游乐场玩吊maonkey bar都不成。但是这只懒惰虫那里会照着办,三年前和三年后的臂力是大同小异。



“不要紧啦。 No one is perfect in the world. You cant be good at everything. Everyone has his strength and weaknesses...You are good at Maths does not mean that you are good at push-ups...You can play chess but not everyone in your class can play chess...See what I meant?...But one thing for sure, you have to try your best. Teacher will know if a student had tried his best. 你不需要和你的同学们比啦,你只需要和自己比。只要比以前进步,就很好了。"


所以这三个星期以来,赖小朋友做功课做到一半,忽然间会站起来走到墙壁那里做push up 练一练; 又或者会俯下身来做那种不合格的掌上压。


终于在周三放学的时候,他如释重负地报告说 :" Mom, finally today is my turn to do the push ups."

"So, you managed to do?"

"Ya...Do you know how many time I did?" 妈咪暗地里替他松了一口气。

"Errrr...10 or less than that?"

"You will not believe it. I did 35!!! Out of expectation ...hehe." 小子还偷笑。



“哇!厉害喔。。。老师有讲几时还要做push up吗?”

"I don't know. May be next year when we are in Primary 5."

"Anyway, you please continue with your practice, OK? At least will help to improve your arm strength. Remember the lesson you learnt the other day."

" Ya ya..."


5 条评论:

小河 说...

35下Push up,很本领咯!啪,啪,啪!(鼓掌) ^_^

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

小河。。。受不起啦。他的push-up“骗人”的, 乱乱来的, 是身体上上下下,不是手臂。呵呵!

jo 说...

HAHAHA....!!! I just cant stop laughing towards the end lar!
At first, i was rather kesian with your son too lar. It is true, not everyone (even some men) can do a proper and accurate push-up; and i knew how "strong" your son is also. Mana tahu.... 35!!! Wahahaha..... can imagine what sort of push-up it was lar. But ok lar, at least he tried his best and quite happy with himself. Good! You were right for asking him to continue practicing it. Must challenge him when he comes back to Penang! ;p

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo...aiyo, think u cant imagine how upset he was when he first told us abt the push-up test, he talked until his "eye wet-wet". hahaha....what to do, that's life ma, we cant be good at everything, but still we have to do our best la:)

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Lee Wai Wan Haha that is real good, 35 times not easy leh, good job Sam!
27 February at 23:57 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW haha...paisei-la. his "35" is not the REAL one. still thank you for yr support :)
28 February at 14:56 · LikeUnlike
Lee Wai Wan It does not matter, at least he did not chicken out.
28 February at 15:00 · LikeUnlike
Sabrina Woong CW no way to chicken out la...sure kena, PE teacher calls 1 by 1. everyone in class looks when u are doing the push-up
28 February at 15:05

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