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冰箱磁贴 17June2010

两年半前因为搬家,将贴在旧家冰箱上的 磁贴 fridge magnets收进两个鞋盒里,一收就是30个月,真不好意思。 :P 今天下午,难得的心血来潮,让这些fridge magnets 重见天日,再加上这两年来的新收藏,我的两个冰箱有了新外貌:)

回想一下,我收集fridge magnets 的兴趣还是十年前由一位旧同事送我的一块巴黎铁塔 fridge magnet开始,算是无心插柳吧!之后到某个地方游玩时都会特地买个fridge magnet 来收藏;身边的亲友也帮忙我买,嘻嘻!所以十年下来,我的收藏也不少哦 :)有兴趣看一看吗?。。。

1 条评论:

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...


Phaik Seong 碧湘
hey, i'll get you one next time i see you..
17 June at 22:59

Sabrina Woong CW
PS....Thank you in advance :) hehe.
17 June at 23:09

Sandra Leng Shan 龙珊
Wow! That's a lot of magnets!
You will need a new BIG fridge soon :D
17 June at 23:28

Allan 志成 Woong
是咯。。。經過這麼多年,我也被妳影響了;現在我自己也有不少的收藏品咯! :P
18 June at 03:19 ·

Aw Sin Lay
really good collections. that remind me that my fridge magnets are also still in boxes :p probably still need to wait one more year, to minimise any damages cause by my youngest one...
18 June at 07:46 ·

Sabrina Woong CW
Sabrina Woong CW
@Sandra - hehe :) you are right, I have 2 fridges in my house now....
@sailoh - Welcome to the "club" :) 印证近朱者赤、近墨者黑 :P
@ sin lay - waiting to see yours too.....how are you?
18 June at 09:19 ·

Aw Sin Lay
haha..my collections stop when CY was born..not much chance to travel since then. now CX is 3 yrs old and we hv stopped 'prodcution', hope we can start the process (travelling + collections) again :)
18 June at 09:27

Tracy H L Lee
wow..so many...nice collection
18 June at 14:05

Phaiklean Cheng
I got another one for u, Hokkaido, :) let me know when u in pg ya :)
18 June at 14:11

Lee Wai Wan
You still cannot beat me yet, but maybe next time you will, haha.If broken, just use super glue to stick them back, mostly broken by my kids, sigh.Now I dont collect magnet, key chain or postcard but buy books for collection.
18 June at 16:34

Sabrina Woong CW
WOW! u must show me yr collections then :)....so, what kind of books are you collecting?
18 June at 16:45

Lee Wai Wan
I just know that the cost of my magnet is more expensive then my fridge. Now, I buy books about the place, like Egypt, Japan, Turkey, Gaudi (the famous architech of Barcelona), The Palace of Madrid. In the book, has lots of beautiful photos, so better then post cards, some more has history, and cultural stories about the country, so much better then my dust collector magnet. These 2 years, we normally will borrow books from library about a country, read it before going to the place. That is why we buy books for collection, then next time our kids can read it.
18 June at 16:54

Khoo Bee Lee
Wow...so many!!!!
18 June at 19:33

To Ang
20 June at 21:26 ·

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