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In my car, on the way sending Sam to school just now...

"Mom, next year on Chinese New Year eve, please let me stay up late."


"I learn from a comprehension i did yesterday - children can stay up late or can even not sleep for their parents...."

"oh, u mean '守岁'. so?"

"I want u and dad to be long life."


THANK YOU, Sam :) The thought of doing it is enough for mom + fatty dad.

1 条评论:

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Josephine Woong
Wow..... you must be so touched!
23 April at 15:20

Allan 志成 Woong
。。。已經很懂的孝順了,Sam! KFC is so proud of u:)
Sab, I am so happy for you too!
23 April at 17:55

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