A very precious picture taken during Sam's "front teeth-less" day, together with grandpa (picture was taken in July 2008) Look at both of them.....so cute!Have a closer look at the left bottom corner - Ahaaaaa.....this picture was selected as one of the winner in the " family members look alike" contest in 3M magazine, 8 years old category :) The prize were 6 issues of monthly magazine 《聪明世界》。
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Allan 志成 Woong
so what did u get for this ?? any prize???
30 May 2009 at 05:20 ·
Sabrina Woong CW
hm...i think not much prizes....something like 6 issues of a local kids magazine :) but my main purpose is to let sam has a good memory of his picture with yeye, that's all :)
30 May 2009 at 22:38 ·
Alicia Ho
05 June 2009 at 15:58 I agreed that is a perfect match..haha..