时间跳回去5天前的晚间8点多, 准备出门去机场之前。他双手一左一右拿起了Frodo 和 Anya, 很专情地对它们说话,声量很轻, 但妈咪的耳朵很灵, 听得明明白白。
“You two ah… please help to take care both of them ok? Make sure they are always happy and healthy. Especially that one ( 指了指胖爸爸时常坐的沙发), please ask him to sleep early , not to work too much …must do exercise more often... ”
虽然时间有点紧 , 我并没有催促他, 让他说完他想说的话。对公仔的声声叮咛,似乎成了他离家前的一个习惯
承懿爱我们, 就像我们爱他一样。但他就是含蓄,得借助公仔诉衷情。
2 条评论:
Han。。。 别来无恙? 是的,我也觉得暖。所以要记下来啊!