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I am feeling guilty....

I finished up a tin of kuih-kapek / a tin of pineapple tarts / a tin of almond cookies + half tin of 'kuih-bang kek' within 2 weeks time., all by myself....oh oh :(

谁说独食难肥?骗人的!呜呜 :(

3 条评论:

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Derek Loo
wow wow wow... make me so du ji lah...
29 January at 22:28 ·

Allan 志成 Woong
aiyoo... so celaka nia! I want almond cookies and kuih kapek !!!! hehe
dont worry la... like Chinese saying '獨食難肥‘!放心的 繼續吃吧! hahahaha
29 January at 23:27

Tan Siek Yin
So envy, I brought back from UK with lots of weight, just berani Makan 2 pieces of to dao piah, woo woo
30 January at 06:29

Yenny Chai
:(..I want to eat..I miss it..
30 January at 10:41

Sabrina Woong CW
@sailoh ~ u banyak celaka tahu? 请不要用“肥“来形容人(讲过很多次了)。。。是“胖”。 ok ok, i know i am “胖”, that's why i said i feel so guilty loh :p

@SY ~ 我也从英国带回来2kg++ :( 唉!。。。。这边厢还未开始减磅,那边厢的CNY糕饼我又大快朵颐,意志力不够,罪恶深重啊。。。。你还可以自制,佩服佩服!
30 January at 13:01

jo 说...

Wahahahaha..... :-D You bodoh lar! Who said 獨食難肥? Tipu one lar (so that one could learn a good lesson ma, hehehe!)! The actual fact is 獨食易肥!!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Ya loh. susah la....I always eat alone. No wonder getting more + more kg :(

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