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九岁孩子的 “一个马来西亚”

今天早上,承懿吃过早点之后, 例行公事的打开钢琴,准备练习。而他的“魔鬼”妈咪则继续在餐桌前喝咖啡兼阅报。

和平时一样,他看着琴谱有一下、没一下的“乱弹”,我一边 消化我的精神粮食、一边“听”他的动静 (佩服我的能耐吧),也懒得理他;总之有弹(练习)好过没弹 (练习)。

不一会儿,听到琴声停了下来,他匆匆到书桌拿了一些东西, 又回到钢琴前坐下。他好像翻了翻琴谱,然后琴声响起。。。。 嗯!他在弹什么曲子。。。。钢琴老师新教的吗?几秒 过后,我竖起耳朵很认真地听。天啊!我没听错吧?是我们 大家都会唱的一首歌,很‘普通’的一首歌。。。。但我受“惊 吓”的程度还挺大的!承懿在弹国歌 Negaraku。有点难以置信吧?

他很认真的弹,左手不时还自行加些拍子,虽然弹得不是十分 顺畅,我还听得出是 Negaraku。终于弹完了,于是我走进书房,对他说 :“弹得好!”以示鼓励。原来他是拿了学校音乐节的课本, 跟着最后一页的国歌乐谱弹的。然后我问了一道有点“笨” 的问题,“为什么你要弹这首歌?”他想都没想就回答:“Because I am a Malaysian。”他直接的答案顿时令我有点愕然、感 动,还有惭愧。

相信承懿是因为喜欢国歌,所以弹奏它,那是最自然不过的“爱 国表现”。我们爱我们的国家,希望国家也爱我们。但愿如此。

注:我事后要求承懿重弹一次,我录下他弹的 Negaraku….打算上载在面子书和朋友分享一下, 奈何网络不听话,尝试了好几次,都不成功,唯有作罢 :()

3 条评论:

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Josephine Woong
We were like him once, weren't we?Till today, i believe deep down in our hearts, we still love this country. We are already the 3rd generation of migrants, how could we not?
Yes, we love our country. We only loathe the stupid leaders and dictatorship of this country.
22 January at 15:56

YouWe紫外線 说...

send那個file給我啦(via email)! :P

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

Penny Loo
就是因为平凡,所以我们才不会特别去在意;就是因为简单,所以我们都不会轻易去珍惜。分享看似简单平凡,却是最容易触动人心。。。感谢您!:)22 January at 00:04

Allan 志成 Woong
如果他可以在日常生活裡多些‘生性懂事’。。。那麼你也不會成為他的“魔鬼”妈咪了。。。 沒辦法啦!你們母子倆人都是天造地設一樣的難得!:) 22 January at 02:52

Sabrina Woong CW
Glad to know that both of you like the article :) Just want to share with u guys abt my little 感动,所以动笔记下他简单直接的爱国,当作日后的一个回忆。。。。 “弹者无心,听者有意”,老实说, 除了感动,还有很大很大的感触。。。。。我爱马来西亚,她爱我吗?
22 January at 08:30

Yenny Chai
22 January at 08:39

Lee Wai Wan
Oh, didn't know Samson learn piano, he is good. When did he start piano lesson?
22 January at 14:04

Sabrina Woong CW
@WW ~ samson learnt keyboard at 6, then started piano from age 7.....he is not good at playing, to be honest. Rythm is, always too fast, according to his teacher la. anyway, i dont mind la, as long as he enjoys the music.That's the purpose lo, also dont force him to take exam . hehe :)
22 January at 15:58

Siew Pei Fang
Siew Pei Fang
22 January at 22:23

Sabrina Woong CW
真的? 看来学校老师教的道德教育+公民意识小孩们都照单全收 :) 22 January at 22:55

Lee Wai Wan
I did not let Lynn learn music, but just join a choir (RM10/mth, cheap) every Sunday, as she loves singing.

There was once, I was driving a car, the radio was playing Negaraku, then at the traffic light stop, I saw a man in the car next to mine, he was singing the song too, wahaha, so cute.
23 January at 07:02

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