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在我家平平安安生活有七、八年的铁树,经历了从旧家搬到新家的风 险, 甚至在罗里上的“颠沛流离”也安然无恙。可怜它那支 粗且壮的手臂,竟在承懿和妈咪大玩 striker vs goalkeeper游戏中无端端遭殃,壮士断臂啊!呜呼哀哉!


拜世杯所赐,承懿从初赛32队复赛16队至8强半决赛大决赛的队伍有了一定的认识,就想知道它们的地理位置所 在。胖爸爸就搬出早前买的世界地图来个大导读。两父子每晚临睡前就互相研究一番才会周公。




“Mommy, I wish I could play for the country in one day. I mean to represent our country in sports. Either football or badminton is fine with me.” (孩子啊!我们国家的足球队连东南亚排名都岌岌可危。。。你可以考虑英联赛或欧联赛吗?哈哈!妈咪也开始 胡言乱语了。)


“Mommy , out of the 32 teams in World Cup. I had only visited England, Japan and Korea….I wish I could visit ALL of these countries in one day.”
“Well, dad visited Germany + Italy + Holland before.”

“HUH!? Are you serious? When?”

“Yes. Many years ago. When you were 1 year old. Business trip la.”

“NOT FAIR! Why he never bring me along?”



在数学班看到一位比他大的男生穿着阿根廷的蓝白球衣,还是10号梅西,承懿即使不认识那个大哥哥,也向前说 :“嗨!Messi how come you are here? Aren’t you supposed to play football in South Africa?” 说完自己哈哈笑.

嗯! 四年一次的世杯热可以维持多久呢? 再看吧!

3 条评论:

jo 说...

Hahaha! So, who broke the 铁树's branch? If mommy did it, hmm.... ok lar; if Sam did it, he would also 呜呼哀哉!
Your son is quite ambitious hoh, wanted to travel to all participating countries!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo. u are right. mommy was the one. but still she put the blame on samson, because as a goalkeeper he did not protect his 龙门 well, then the ball kena the poor tree :P

jo 说...

HUH!! Like that also can ah! You huh, very misleading lar.

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