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周一吃午饭时,承懿问妈咪:anything to share with me or not, mommy? I mean any interesting news during your meet up with your friends yesterday? 喔!小子这么‘鸡婆’要知道妈咪朋友的updates

“Sure. I can share with you. But why don’t you share yours with me first. You don’t know what I had done yesterday. I also don’t know what you had done during golf class, chess class and….when dad taught you bahasa.” 哈喽,儿子,交流是双向的, OK

“Golf classnothing special and dad taught me bahasa, the activity book. I finished almost 2 chapter revision….then during chess class, I played 2 games only. I lost both of them.”

“Ok….I see….”

“But mommy...my opponents were really good. They are too good. You know?...The first one is from advance level.”

“Oh…then the 2nd one ?”

“Hmmm… I think intermediate….. intermediate - higher.”

“So, how about yourself? What level are you?”

“I am at intermediate –middle.”


“Sam, you are telling mommy that you lost the 2 games because they are better than you , right?”

“Yes, mom.”


“Ok. I understand they are better. At the same time, it also shows that you are not as good as them. You are not good enough. Have you ever thought about this?...有想过吗?


“想东西要想两边。不要只是想我输chess因为人家比我好 and stop there. You should continue to think. Why I am not as good as them? How can I be better/improve? 不要讲人家怎样好或者怎样差,应该问自己要怎样做?做什么?明白吗?”



I think….because of lack of practice.”

“Practice makes perfect, Sam.”

“Ya, mommy. I know.”



~不要推卸责任 (你输棋是你自己不够对手好)




勤能补拙 + 熟能生巧是千古不变的道理。


4 条评论:

Wai Wan 说...

Testing Testing

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

WW..over-over-testing testing 123 :P get this in yr gmail ?

jo 说...

Hahahaa! God Mother! Ya lar, what you told Sam was true. Dont blame others for being too good or far better than us. Instead, learn from them! Dont be like our government, whenever anything was brought up, the authority would say, "But your see, there are many others who are worse than us!". Really "Malaysia Boleh" attitude, haha!
And like mother like son lar, lil Sam also quite "8", hahaha! Wanted to know what happened during your gathering, good! Hahaha! So dont forget to "entertain" him with your interesting topics / stories. :-p

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo....i think u already knew what i tried to explain to yr nephew when u were reading my article...i know sometime i am like 'long-air' ...talk 大道理 to yr nephew. But i cant forever treat him like small kid....if i dont talked at all, he will not understand at all....so if i try, at least got hope :P.....both of us also 8 la, durian sama bangsa. Of course I keep my promise, shared some updates with him.

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