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我的天啊! 就因为一篇日记是吗?妈咪又好气又好笑。又是“教母”发威的时候了。

“Boy, 只是写日记而已,需要这样 sour face吗?You expected 日记as homework on last Friday, 李老师did not give. So you relax during weekend. So today 李老师gave日记 , you are so upset.。。。有没有ah toot?”
“You are a kid, you are a student. Your duty is to study and learn. Doing homework is part of it. You see?”
“Ok, Your 华文 is not good, you will take longer time to complete the diary. So what? Do lah! As long as you do, sure can finish. Maybe you finish it late only, perhaps 11 o’clock at night. Even like that, no need to show sour face.”
“How about dad? Do you know that there were a few times dad finished work only at 4am. He started work 8:30am. He has to finish his job, no matter how late. He finished at 4am, he is tired. He came back and he quickly rest. He did not show mommy any sour face. Because he knows that that’s his job, his duty.”
“Sour face , upset or angry will not get the things done. You got what I meant?”
“And yours is only 日记. No big deal Samson. Just small matter. You know mommy can help.”

这孩子出声了。“But mommy.....I have to write 廖慧敏的生日会 (上周五同班的女同学在班上庆祝生日)。我写不到一面啦!”



“哎哟!Samson 你怕没有东西写是吗?哈哈哈!不用怕!妈咪在嘛!华文写作,妈咪很厉害一下的。你有看妈咪的blog,有没有?是不是写很多写很长?”


“而且老师是叫你们写你们experience的事情,你只要慢慢回想一下那天发生的事,注意细节,就OK。很容易的。写这样的日记 just like something at mommy’s finger tips. Don’t worry.”





6 条评论:

YouWe紫外線 说...

當然不是很難,因為有個24孝媽咪在旁邊幫忙嘛 :P


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

bro...ai cai lah. hahaha. 当然是尽量帮咯 :) 。。。You got the point also. 也可能因为同一个topic,同学写作的功力就比较容易看得出来。。。我猜猜而已。嘻嘻。

牛車輪 说...


莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

@Yenny...Bingo! 就是像作文一样的日记 :)

jo 说...

Aiyah..... sometimes i just got to say this, those teachers are really 死板板! They themselves like that, sudah lar; why restrict the students too!??
Tell Sam that actually your blog is actually a 日记 also lar. Diary / journal is just to jot down what's on your mind, and how's your day, or anything, anything at all. Free style lar!

莎莎妈咪 sab 说...

jo....1 thing i am very sure, e-ma is not 死板板 anymore, she knows how to use 中文输入法. wahahaha :P....you are right, diary can be free style lah...perhaps the teacher scares if too free-style, the kids will come out macam-macam creative diary, then she will die-standing when she marks the homework....perhaps....:)

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